
Class Communication Paths

  • Presentation


    The curricular unit provides knowledge in transport infrastructures, addressing several construction technologies, and is complemented by the curricular units: "Road Infrastructures" which focuses on the aspects related to the geometric definition, "Transport" which focuses on traffic engineering concepts and "Soil Mechanics" where the soils present in the foundation layer of transport infrastructures are characterised.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Main components of road infrastructure

    2. Earthworks

         Objectives and components. Geological and geotechnical characterization. Characteristics and classification of materials. Constructive techniques. Soil treatment

    3. Drainage

         Objectives and components of the drainage system. General design methodology of drainage system components

    4. Pavements

         Pavement objectives. Paving materials and work units. Pavement composition and design. Construction techniques.

  • Objectives


    It is intended that students acquire knowledge necessary for the conception and design of transport infrastructures, particularly in the field of road infrastructure technologies. Especially, the course is organized in order to provide students with basic skills in the context of earthworks, drainage and paving.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Active teaching methodology places the student at the centre of the learning process. Students are encouraged to solve exercises autonomously having the opportunity to discuss with their peers the methodology to solve the problems during the class. This approach will allow students to develop critical thinking, increasing their problem-solving capacity.

  • References


    1. Antunes, V. Apontamentos da unidade curricular de Vias de Comunicação, Lisboa: Universidade Lusófona.

    2. IEP (2001) Manual de drenagem superficial em vias de comunicação, Almada: Instituto das Estradas de Portugal.

    3. IEP (1995) Manual de concepção de pavimentos para a rede rodoviária nacional, Almada: Instituto das Estradas de Portugal.

    4. Wright P.; Dixon K. (2004) Highway engineering (7th edition), Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons.

    5. Branco, F., Pereira, P.; Picado-Santos, L. (2005) Pavimentos rodoviários, Coimbra: Livraria Almedina.


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