
Class Theory and History of the European Construction Process

  • Presentation


    In the international political arena, the European Union has become a global player and the Europeanization of its constituencies has become a reality. This curricular unit aims to show the dynamic nature of states and their adaptation to specific political contexts. In this paradigm, the process of European construction after World War II will be analyzed, taking into account the main political, economic and social events that have characterized it. To deepen and scale this analysis, the theory of International Relations and European integration will help through its tools and analysis mechanisms. Supported by comparative politics, the European Union's political system will also be assessed, establishing similarities and differences with traditional political systems. The future of the project will also be analyzed and discussed.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The process of integration of the European Union explained by Political Science: from the political and economic reorganization of the Second World War to the new millennium
    The theory explaining the process of European integration: functionalism; neofuncionalismo; intergovernmentalism and liberal intergovernmentalism; the European Union as a political system.
    The political system of the European Union explained by the Comparative Politics: Commission, European Council, Council of the European Union, European Parliament, European Court, political parties, elections, lobby groups, public opinion
    The theory explaining European governance: governance; new institutionalism; open coordination method
    The social construction of European identity; the emergence of societies and identities: ideas, values, and identity; the construction of European identity.
    European integration and the economic, financial and political challenges of the new Millennium

  • Objectives


    In the end, students should:
    - Understand the dynamic nature of states;
     - Describe the evolution of the European Union in its constituent segments, starting from the key moments of its evolution and understanding the institutional, economic and political dynamics gradually introduced;
    - Understand European integration theories explaining the whole process from a horizontal and vertical perspective;
    - Explain the dynamics of European integration and the functioning of the system, using theoretical mechanisms that allow the content to be deepened and rationalized;
    - Explain  the European Union's political system organization, taking into account comparative policy indicators;
    - Describe the governance of the European Union
    - Explain the formation of identities, taking into account constructivism
    - Rethinking the future of the European Union, taking into account ever-changing realities

  • References


    . Brown, Chris, Kirsten, A., (2009), Compreender as Relações Internacionais, Lisboa: Gradiva

    . Caramani, Daniele, (2017), Comparative Politics, Oxford University Press

    . Cini, M., Borragán, N., (2019) European Union Politics, 6th edition, Oxford: University Press

    . Hix, S., Hojland, B., (2011), The Political System of the European Union, 3rd edition, Basingstoke:  Palgrave Macmillan

    .Neutel, Fernanda, 2019, A Construção da União Europeia, da II Guerra Mundial à emergência de uma fronteira externa comum para o século XXI, Lisboa, edições sílabo

    . Nugent, N., (2018), The Government and Politics of the European Union, 8ª edição, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

    . Rosamond, Ben (2000) Theories of European Integration, London: Macmillan

    .Silva, António, M. (2013), Sistema Político da União Europeia: arquitetura, funcionamento e teorização, Lisboa: Almedina

    . Wiener, A., Diez. T., (eds),  (2018) European Integration Theory, 3rd edition, Oxford: University Press


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