
Class Criminal Law and Procedure

  • Presentation


    The field of action of the curricular unit is the normative, doctrinal and jurisprudential body, constituted by two areas of uniquely linked legal knowledge, which have as their object the crime: criminal law and criminal procedural law.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The material concept of crime: some problematic dimensions.

    2. Crimes in particular: crimes against property and crimes against the economy.

    3. Human rights in criminal law and in criminal proceedings.

    4. The object of the process and the change of facts.

    5. Appeals in criminal proceedings.

  • Objectives


    The course has as main objectives the development of intermediate studies in criminal law and criminal procedural law and to introduce you to students in scientific research in these areas of legal knowledge.

    Because the law is a practical knowledge, the research skills to be acquired will also have a high level of professionalization.

    The evaluation records to be asked by the Students will imply critical evaluations of doctrinal and jurisprudential positions on the chosen themes and will allow to develop the skills necessary for the future elaboration of the master's dissertation.

  • References


    BRUNO DE OLIVEIRA MOURA, A conduta prévia e a culpa na comparticipação, Lisboa: Âncora, 2022. 


    GERMANO MARQUES DA SILVA, Direito Processual Penal Português, Vol. I, Lisboa: U. Católica, 2017.


    ____,Curso de Processo Penal, Vol. II, 5ª ed., Lisboa: Verbo, 2011.


    ____, Direito Processual Penal Português, Vol. III, Lisboa: U. Católica,  2014.


    JOSÉ DE FARIA COSTA, Direito Penal, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, 2017.


    ____, Direito Penal e Liberdade, Lisboa: Âncora, 2019. 


    ____, «Um olhar cruzado entre a Constituição e o Processo Penal». In: A Justiça nos dois lados do Atlântico. Teoria e prática do processo criminal em Portugal e nos Estados Unidos da América. Lisboa: Fundação Luso­-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, 1998, p. 187 e ss.


    MARIA JOÃO ANTUNES, Direito Processual Penal, 4º ed., Coimbra: Almedina, 2022.


    PAULO DE SOUSA MENDES, Lições de Direito Processual Penal, Coimbra: Almedina, 2022.


    ___ / RUI SOARES PEREIRA, Prova Penal Teórica e Prática, Coimbra: Almedina, 2019. 

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