
Class Networks and New Technologies

  • Presentation


    In the belief that the knowledge area related to networks and new information technologies is framed in a
    complex, pluridisciplinary and constantly changing thematic area, the selected program modules aim to
    provide students with familiarization with the concept of networks in a perspective that has as basis for
    analysis of communication and what is in its structuring and evolution.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Random networks. Properties of the Erdvos model.
    1.1. Connection, distance, grouping and distribution function concepts
    2. 'Small-world' networks. The Watts-Strogazt model
    3. Networks without a characteristic scale. Model of Barabási
    4. Dynamic processes and information dissemination in networks
    5. The computer as an instrument of communication between men
    6. The evolution of the Internet.
    7. The creation of the TCP / IP protocol
    8. The World Wide Web
    9. Peer-to peer-computation networks
    10. Virtual social networks
    11. The diffusion of technologies

  • Objectives


    Provide master's students with in-depth knowledge about communication networks and their importance in contemporary times for the communicative flow and its consequences in the creation of society based on informationalism
    It is also intended that the transmission of theoretical elements can create a modulation space with the simultaneous promotion of each student's critical judgment and autonomous research capacities as an ultimate academic goal.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Artificial intelligence can only be used within the limit of searching for sources where the investigation of evaluation work can be verified.
  • References


    Barabási, A.-L., (2002), Linked: The New Science of Networks, Perseus, Cambridge, MA.
    Battu , Daniel (2016). Communication Networks Economy. NY:John Wiley & Sons
    Kadhim, Laith Awda (2016). Communication Networks. Lambert Academic Publishing
    Monge, Peter R. & Contractor, Noshir (2016). Theories of Communication Networks. NY: Oxford
    University Press
    Rogers, Everett M. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations. NY: Free press
    Walrand, Jean (2017). Communication Networks. San Rafael: Morgan and Claypool Publishers
    Watts, D. J. (2003), Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age, Norton, New York.


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