
Class Power of Attorney Proceedings

  • Presentation


    PLP is a subject of the Master in Political Science - Citizenship and Governance, semesterly and taught 
    in the 1st year. 
    Its general objective is to identify and study the elements that make up political legitimacy. 
    The main area of ¿¿study is the legitimacy of power, which is fundamental for understanding 
    the relationship between citizenship and governance.
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    What is power? Concepts, domain, reach, and boundaries.
    Power Factors.
    Legitimacy of power - reasons of legitimacy.
    The evolution of the concept of legitimacy: ethics and legality.
    Legal power; traditional and charismatic.
    Max Weber and the three types of domination.
    Democracy and the "central" role of the people.
    Participatory and representative democracy.
    Democracy and its values (popular sovereignty, elections, pluralism). 
    Political communication as an instrument of legitimacy.
    Max Weber and the theory of legitimacy.
    Political legitimacy and obedience according to David Beetham.
    The bonds of power in the democratic rule of law.
    Left and right - the radicalisms and the legitimacy of power.
    Populism - myth or reality in democracy?
    Stability in the processes of legitimization of power.
    Comparative studies on political legitimacy in Lusophone countries.
  • Objectives


    know the main issues of legitimacy in politics.
    Connect contractualism, obedience and political communication in the typology of legitimacy.
    Relate legality, legitimacy, democracy and socioeconomic development.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    It is intended in this UC to make a presentation and debate of the themes contained in the Program of the discipline, being relevant the intervention of the master's. The evaluation is continuous and presupposes the elaboration of an individual written work, 15-20 pages on a theme of Legitimation of Power, submitted on the Moodle Platform, with presentation with mandatory presentation and debate in class, as well as the possibility of small works (exercises) in class on practical cases of human rights violations. The work, as an evaluation element, becomes important, since it allows the master's master to develop investigative skills, on the one hand and on the other, with the presentation of the work in class, not only shares the results of his research, but also contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge.

  • References


    Barata, A.; Coutinho, L.P. & Brito, M. N. de (Orgs).(2021). Populismo e Democracia. Lisboa: Edições 70.

    Beetham, D. (2013). The Legitimation of Power. (2ªed.) London: MacMillan Education UK.

    Cruz, M.B. da (2015). Política Comparada. [s.l.] : Cruz Editores.

    Mény, Y. (2020). Democracias imperfeitas. Frustrações populares e vagas populistas. Lisboa: ICS-UL.

    Santos, J. de A. (2020). Política e Democracia na era digital. compreender a política e a democracia numa época de desafios tecnológicos. Lisboa: Parsifal.

    Santos, J. de A. (2012). Media e Poder: o poder mediático e a erosão da democracia representativa. Lisboa: Nova Veja, Lda.

    Silva, S.V. da (2020). Introdução às Relações Internacionais. Manuais Universitários. 2ª edição. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.

    Weber, M. (2020). Conceitos Sociológicos Fundamentais. Lisboa: Edições 70.


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