
Class Public Administration and Public Policy

  • Presentation


    Public Administration and Public Policy is a curricular unit of the Master in Political Science
    Citizenship and Governance, biannual and taught in the 1st year. It operates within the scope of the study of the State and
    its Administration as well as in the policies developed to satisfy the needs
    collective. Its plan of action and analysis is the public and private sector and its objectives are to uncover
    the administrative composition of the State and plans for carrying out public policies. It's a unit
    fundamental curriculum to deepen knowledge and appeal to the critical sense of the current crisis of
    Social status.
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Society, Politics and the State.
    1.1 The State and the organizations that preceded it.
    1.2 Power, the State and sovereignty.
    1.3 The various framings of the definition of State.
    2. The State, the Government and the Administration: composition and structure.
    2.1 Ethics and deontology in public administration.
    2.2 The political system and administrative system.
    2.3 The central administration of the State.
    2.4 Administrations of autonomous regions and local authorities.
    3. The concept of Public Policy
    3.1 Definition and historical evolution.
    3.2 The preparation, execution and evaluation of public policies.
    3.3 Social State vs Subsidiary State.
    3.4 The limits of the State and theories of public choices
  • Objectives


    Students, at the end of the semester, should be able to:
    a) Define, frame and relate the concepts of State, Government and Administration.
    b) Relate, in a critical way, ethics and deontology in Public Administration.
    c) Characterize the political system and the Portuguese administrative system.
    d) Mastering and differentiating the Central Administration of the State and the Administration of the Autonomous Regions and Local Authorities.
    e) Framing the functions of the State and its limits in the execution of public policies.
    f) Decoding the concept of welfare state.
    g) Recognize the process of preparing and executing public policies.
    h) Critically analyze the ways and means used to communicate decisions and the execution process of public policies.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The curricular unit will have continuous assessment (minimum attendance of 75% of classes taught) with attendance and participation analysis and 2 assessment tests. The grade will be assigned according to the following parameters:
    Attendance and participation - 10%
    2 Assessment Test - 90% (45% each)
  • References


    Alves, André Azevedo, Moreira, José Manuel (2004). O que é a Escolha Pública? Para uma análise económica da política . São João do Estoril: Principia.

    Freitas do Amaral, Diogo (1986). Curso de Direito Administrativo . Coimbra: Almedina.

    Caupers, J. (2002). Introdução à Ciência da Administração Pública . Lisboa: Âncora Editora.

    Mangerona, Sílvia (2021). Subsidiariedade: Doutrina Política e Modelo de Estado . São João do Estoril: Principia.

    Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes, Adão e Silva, Pedro (2012). Políticas Públicas em Portugal . Lisboa: editora Leya.

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