
Class Didactics of Fight Sports

  • Presentation


    The Didactics of Combat Sports can be considered as a Curricular Unit (CU) that aggregates fight subjects and combat sports, being a fundamental Unit of the Master in Physical Education Teaching. In this UC it is intended to provide students with essential skills in the didactic process of teaching combat sports, through the application of strategies appropriate to the stage of development of each student. In Combat Sports (CS) the student is faced with displacements, unbalances, falls, and Pull vs. Vs. Push, Grab and Drop, which do not happen in most team and individual sports. This motor pattern, or these motor actions, is also fundamental in the integral development of young people, which are specific to combat sports. Thus, the mastery of subjects to the DC, the teaching, observation, and evaluation process, embodied in the teaching practice processes, will be absolutely determinant in the success of this UC.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    DC Didactics is a UC with Judo/Wrestling knowledge and practice and Teaching Practice, in the areas of knowledge and teaching, planning, observation, analysis, and evaluation. 1. Historical aspects, terminology, and the socio-cultural dimension of the DC. 2. Played Forms of Initiation to Judo and Fighting. 3. Falls, Handles, Displacements, Throws, Immobilizations (or Ground Fight, Strangulations and Dislocations). 4. Forms of training: (i) Free training from the combat situation; (ii) Training of the combat situation. 5. Regulations and safety rules. 6. The DC teaching unit and pedagogical action: (i) DC programs, planning, and evaluation; (ii) Observation of classes. 7. Class Structure and Dynamics: Analysis of the sequence and progression of the teaching unit and learning situations. 8. Teaching in DC: (i) Class management principles and procedures, which enhance success in DC; (ii) Techniques in the dimensions of instruction, management, climate, assessment, and discipline.

  • Objectives


    At the end of this UC students should know/be able to: 1) Know the historical aspects and socio-cultural dimension of Combat Sports; 2) Master the basic terminological aspects that allow to interpret, understand and analyze the characteristics of the fundamental techniques of Combat Sports; 3) Understand and master the fundamental skills and the specific tactical-technical principles of Combat Sports; 4) Master the specific basic regulatory aspects and safety rules of Combat Sports; 5) To know how to plan, teach and distinguish the different Combat Sports.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Viewing of videos, use of observation sheets, and performance analysis of technical execution and simulated teaching practice. Creation of a Dossier and Class Observation Reports. Use of different pedagogical means and materials with innovative methodologies and support for teaching and learning.

  • References


    • Balyi, I., Way, R., & Higgs, C. (2013). Long-term athlete development. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

      Martins, P. (2010). Luta. Ed. FMH Edições. Lisboa.

      Monteiro, L. (1996). Planificação do Processo Ensino-Aprendizagem do Judo/Luta numa Classe de Iniciação (6-10 anos). Judo - Revista Técnica e Informativa, 2, 44-49. ANTJ.

      Monteiro, L. (1996). A História de Judo/Luta em Portugal. Judo - Revista Técnica e Informativa, 2, 9-14. ANTJ. Lisboa.

      Veloso, R., Aranha, A., & Monteiro, L. (2016). Capítulo 2. Formação Desportiva em Judo Aspetos a considerar no momento conduzir o processo (pp, 21-48). In. Silva, A. & Batista, M. Desenvolvimento do Judo - Textos Técnicos. Edição ADJS. Novembro de 2016, ISBN: 978-989-20-7070-4, Depósito legal: 417840/16.

      Veloso, R., Cachada, JM., & Aranha, A. (2010). Uma abordagem didática do judo - Ideias e sugestões de trabalho (1st ed.) Vila Real. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.

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