
Class Urban planning Issues in Depth

  • Presentation


    It´s a CU of reflection and debate about territory issues, namely in urban space. It¿s a congregant between the CUs of the course and actual debate space.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. City and History. Key urban theories;

    2. Examples of contemporary urbanism and urban design. New forms of Urbanism. Recent studies and research;

    3. Urban space and society;

    4. Urban space of collective use;

    5. Urban environment, landscape and quality of life. Environmental studies. Sustainability;

    6. Analytical methodologies and evaluation of the urban design.

  • Objectives


    To deepen knowledge on the theoretical issues of urbanism associated with best professional practices, developing in the student capacity for critical scientific thinking and an understanding of the professional activity. The CU covers a set of key subjects for the development of a scientific culture in the field of urbanism. It also overlooks at urbanism as a scientific activity.

    Aims to develop in the student a broad and critical knowledge of urban thinking and acquire culture in the field.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The preparation of a transversal work, common to most of the curricular units, which contains the particularities of each UC, is a practice that promotes a specific understanding of the subjects specific to each UC and knowledge of their relationships in the context of work in urban planning, preparing the student to solve complex problems. Seminar classes, where different topics are addressed in a coordinated manner by different lecturers, allow for a broader approach and the consolidation of more comprehensive knowledge in the fulfilment of the course programme.

  • References


    França, José Augusto.(2005). Lisboa: Urbanismo e Arquitectura, Instituto de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa, Colecção Biblioteca Breve, Livros Horizonte.

    Choay, Françoise. (1991).O Urbanismo, Editora Perspectiva, São Paulo.

    Choay, Françoise. (1961). The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Random House, New York. Marcella Dalle Donne.(1983) Teorias sobre a Cidade, trad. J.M. Vasconcelos, Edições 70, Col. Arte e Comunicação.

    Matias Ferreira, Vitor.(1987). A Cidade de Lisboa: de Capital do Império a Centro de Metropole, Editora Dom Quixote.

    Cohen, Jean-Louis Cohen e Fortier, Bruno.(1992). Urbanizem a Barcelona, Ajuntamento de Barcelona.

    Preira, P [org.] (2013). Espaço público. Variações críticas sobre urbanidade. Ed. Afrontamento. Porto.

    Fadigas. L. (2015). Urbanismo e território. As políticas públicas. Ed. Sílabo. Lisboa.

    Cabral M.V., Silva, F.C., Saraiva, T. [Org] (2008). Cidade & Cidadania. Governança urbana e participação cidadã em perspetiva comparada. ICS. Lisboa.

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