
Class Interpersonal Communication

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit crosses several disciplinary areas, being central for the CC degree. The theoretical approaches presented in class allow the analysis of current communication phenomena. Allows to understand and analyse phenomena of interpersonal communication and understand their dynamics in situations. Develop an articulated and critical perspective on different frameworks of analysis of social behaviour.

  • Code


  • Syllabus



    1. Communication as relational process; communication functions

    2. Interpersonal communication.

    II. Social interaction and interpersonal communication ¿ theories and approaches

    1. Notion of reciprocity and the social interchange.Marcel Mauss.

    2. Interaction and sociability. Georg Simmel perspective.

    3. Communication as interaction. North-American pragmatism, symbolic interaccionism and Chicago


    4. Face to face relation and situated behaviour. Erving Goffman perspective.

    5. Performative dimension of language.

    6. Human communication pragmatics and Palo Alto School.

    7. H. Garfinkel and etnomethodology: Situated character and formal characteristics of practical activities

    8. Communication ethnography

    9. Social Information processes and impression formation: social cognition; heuristics, schemes and


    10. Social influence processes: normalization, conformity, obedience and innovation

  • Objectives


    Understand the investigation of communicative relations as relations and social interactions and realize the connection of speeches and actions in their context of occurrence and their situations.

    Know the theoretical perspectives of pragmatic of human communication treatment and the social communicative relations.

    Understand and analyse interpersonal communication phenomena and comprehend their dynamic in circumstance.

    Develop a critical and articulated perspective about diverse frameworks of social behaviour.

    Regarding skills, the main aim is the acquirement of characterization and guidelines of interpersonal communication skills.

    Identification of problems of human communication and acquirement of communicative skills.

    Understand how interpersonal communication is dynamic and how it connects with situations.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    In this CU we use innovative methodologies, particularly active methodologies, in which students learn by doing and apply theory to practice. STEAM is also present through the use of interdisciplinary approaches. Finally, the use of digital tools in the classroom (such as videos, images, etc.) should be emphasised. 

  • References


    BABO-LANÇA, I. et al. (2002). Dicionário de Sociologia, Porto: Porto Editora.

    BATESON, BIRDWHISTELL, GOFFMAN et al. (1981). La nouvelle communication. Paris: Seuil.

    BITTI, P.R. e ZANI, B. (1997). A comunicação como processo social. Lisboa: Ed. Estampa.

    Vala, J. & Monteiro, M.B. (coords.). Psicologia Social. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

    GARFINKEL, H. (1984). Studies in Ethnomethodology [1967], Cambridge : Polity Press.

    GOFFMAN, E. (1999). A representação do eu na vida quotidiana. Petropolis:Vozes.

    GUMPERZ, J. y HYMES D. (1964). "The ethnography of communication". American Antropologist 66. 6.

    MARC, E. (1998). ¿Palo Alto: l¿École de la communication¿, in CABIN, P. (coor.) (1998), La communication. État des savoirs. Paris : Éditions Sciences Humaines, pp.132-133.

    MAUSS, M. (2001). Ensaio sobre a dádiva [1950], Lisboa: Edições 70.

    SIMMEL, G. (1999). Sociologie [1908]. Paris: PUF.

    WATZLAWICK, BEAVIN, JACKSON (2000). Pragmática da comunicação humana. São Paulo: Cultrix.

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