
Class Political Communication

  • Presentation


    The discipline’s programmatic objectives are to understand the nature and constitutive dimensions of “Political Communication” as an applied field of study and symbolic and social reality, unavoidable in modern western societies; acquire fundamentals and semantics related to the design of image strategies and “narratives” of persuasion and public influence; to develop basic skills on political communication consultancy, spin-doctoring, press relations and image consultancy.

    With a view to that objective, the discipline will adopt a theoretical-practical approach, developing the research and analysis on relevant national and international cases of political communication, campaign strategies and communication management of image and reputation crisis of political actors.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Politics, Advertising and Political Communication
    2.  Political Communication and Crisis Management Strategies
    3. Jobs and practices of Political Communication
    4. From the crisis of mediation to the crisis of “truth” and democracy
    5. Lab
      1. Analysis of historical political campaigns, communication strategies for election campaigns, image crisis management cases
      2. Production of presentations/reports for evaluation purposes.
  • Objectives


    Provide a theoretical-practical framework on the specific objectives and mechanisms of Political Communication, in the scope of “campaigning” and “governing” actions, as a symbolic and social reality and as a field of ¿¿professional expertise in occidental democracies and in their media, opinion making and public influence structures

    Provide a historical and cultural background on the phenomena of Propaganda and manipulation and a critical view on the contemporary risks of the crisis of mediation structures in the functioning of democracies and in the formation of public opinion and political consensus

    Develop skills concerning the design, development or analysis of image strategies and political "narratives", persuasion strategies in the media and public space and the management of reputational crises

    Describe professional practices and fundamental semantics on  political communication consultancy, spin-doctoring,  press consultancy and image consultancy

  • References


    CACCIOTTO, Marco, Marketing Político: como vencer eleições e governar, Coimbra, Conjuntura Actual Editora, 2015.

    CASTRO, João Pinto, “MyBarackObama: uma ferramenta poderosa de mobilização e acção política”, in Marketing Ombro a Ombro, Texto Editores, Alfragide, 2011.

    ESCANCIANO, Imelda, Imagen Política – Modelo y Método, Géstion 2000, Barcelona, 2021.

    PENA, Paulo, Fábrica de Mentiras - Viagem ao mundo das fake news, Objectiva, Lisboa, 2019.

    PRIOR, Hélder, Mediacracia – Comunicação e Política na era da Mediatização, Media XXI, Porto, 2021.

    THOMSON, Oliver, Uma História da Propaganda, Temas & Debates, Lisboa, 2000.

    WOLTON, Dominique, Pensar a Comunicação, Difel, Algés, 1999.

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