
Class History of Communication

  • Presentation


    It is assumed that, within the scope of human history, a set of communication tools, techniques and protocols have constituted (and constitute) that history itself, both in the way they have altered culture, society and human perception/consciousness, and in the way they define, as artifacts, ways of presenting and accessing that history. From language and writing to computers and cybernetic networks, passing through cameras, the cinematograph, radio and television, all these medialogical devices have determined paradigms of relationship — verbal and non-verbal — between humans and between humans and the world. This curricular unit seeks to trace the historical evolution of these material ways of configuring communication throughout history, identifying key moments in this course and how they have impacted the way we perceive the world and the construction of social reality.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Assumptions of a materialist history of communication

    2. Orality

    The zero degree of communication

    The ritualization of the world

    3. Alphabet and writing

    "From the magical world of hearing to the neutral world of sight"

    Writing as order and as pharmakon

    4. Book Volumen - codex - volumen

    The library and the legibility of the world

    5. Press From Guttenberg to Luther

    The foundation of the modern world and the circulation of knowledge

    5. Electromagnetism, sound and atmospheric media

    The distribution of sensible reality at home

    6. Photography and Cinema

    The multiplication of images and the recording of time

    The rediscovery of the optical and the (new) motifs of reality

    From the moving image to the moving image

    7. Radio and Television

    The mass media paradigm

    "Drama for a dramatized society"

    Newsreels and the first "reports"

    8. Computers and the Internet

    Convergence culture and its impact on journalism

    DSLRs: video journalism for the web

  • Objectives


    - Identify and frame, through the technical devices that determined them, the main paradigms in the history of communication (verbal and non-verbal) and knowledge production;

    - Promote analytical and reflective skills on the mutual relations between the cultural production of meaning and the evolution of technical materialities that pre-determine this production;

    - Problematize contemporaneity as an era whose technological condition is decisively determined by media of registration, transmission and automatic processing of communication and information.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Presentation and discussion of the programmed subjects, based on selected texts and case studies that illustrate the topics under discussion. Continuous assessment in accordance with the Lusófona University Pedagogical Regulations.

    In addition, an active methodology will be promoted, on the one hand, placing the student at the center of the learning process, while the teachers assume, idem, a mediating role and, on the other, a heuristic approach.

    This methodology seeks to unite technology and education, since the virtual world plays an important role in student development, helping with activities and dynamics outside the classroom (studies, exercises and research). This promotes autonomous learning of the content.

    Examples: i) pre-readings and presentations in class, in order to complement the content presented by the teachers; ii) development of practical work with theoretical reflection, such as a video essay and submission of a report.

  • References


    Benjamin, W. (2007). A obra de arte na época da sua possibilidade de reprodução técnica. In A . Ed. e Trad. João Barrento, Assírio & Alvim

    Bogalheiro, M. (2020). "Para lá dos meios e dos fins: um epítome da ontologia dos media". In  Crítica Mediações Totais - Perspectivas expandidas dos media, Ed. M. Bogalheiro. Documenta

    Chartier, R. (1997). A Ordem dos Livros, Vega

    Contreras, S. P. (1999). El Periodismo De Los Nuevos Medios: El Cine, El Magazine Y La Radio, Historia Del Periodismo Universal, In Gómez Mompart, J. L. E Marín Otto, E., SínTesis

    Jenkins, H. (2009). Convergence Culture. New York University Press
    Quinn, S. & Filak, V. (2005). Convergent Journalism, An introduction, Writing and Producing Across Media, Focal Press

    Kittler, F. (1999). Gramophone, Film, Typewritter, Stanford University Press

    McLuhan, M. (1972). A Galáxia de Gutenberg, Universidade de São Paulo

    Valéry, P. (2005) "A Conquista da Ubiquidade". In Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens 34/35. Relógio d'Água

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