
Think, Hope, Change: assessing effectiveness of ocean literacy tools

How can we say if the ocean literacy we produce is effective?

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How can we say if the ocean literacy we produce is effective? What are the criteria for effectiveness? To answer these questions, panellists of this webinar will bring examples of their ocean literacy initiatives and explain how they assess effectiveness. The webinar will present the approach taken by ResponSEAble project for assessing effectiveness of ocean literacy tools developed by the project, which describes the evolution of literacy from basic awareness of a concept, through to changes in attitude and behaviour, and potentially active engagement activism for change, and applying Behaviour Change Model to Ocean Literacy - a “Theory of Change” .The webinar will discuss how these frameworks and methods can benefit future ocean literacy tools and events in Europe and internationally.

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Date and Hour

Thursday, January 17, 2019 00:00


Ciências Sociais e Humanas
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