
Class Political Socio-Economics of the Portuguese-Speaking Area

  • Presentation


    Political Socioeconomics as an Area of Research and Education. Changing the Post-World War II Growth Economy World Cup for Development Studies from the 1960s onwards. Development Theories, Policies and Strategies. The World Reality after World War II. The Bipolar World, the Cold War and Peaceful Coexistence. The UN Decolonizing Policy. The Implosion of the Eastern Bloc and North American Unilateralism. The New World Order: Multilateralism of Spaces, Civilizations or Countries?. Globalization and Interdependencies. The Closing of the Portuguese Colonial Empire. The Administration of the Empire: Centralization as a Rule. Adriano Moreira and Grau Zero da Lusofonia. The 25th of April and the Said Process Scolonizer. Post-colonialism in Portuguese. Regional Integrations of Lusophone Countries. Resuming the Lusophone Condition. Diversity and the Lusophone Project. The Political Realities of Lusophone Countries.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Political Socioeconomics as an Area of Research and Education. Changing the Post-World War II Growth Economy World Cup for Development Studies from the 1960s onwards. Development Theories, Policies and Strategies. The World Reality after World War II. The Bipolar World, the Cold War and Peaceful Coexistence. The UN Decolonizing Policy. The Implosion of the Eastern Bloc and North American Unilateralism. The New World Order: Multilateralism of Spaces, Civilizations or Countries?. Globalization and Interdependencies. The Closing of the Portuguese Colonial Empire. The Administration of the Empire: Centralization as a Rule. Adriano Moreira and Grau Zero da Lusofonia. The 25th of April and the Said Process Scolonizer. Post-colonialism in Portuguese. Regional Integrations of Lusophone Countries. Resuming the Lusophone Condition. Diversity and the Lusophone Project. The Political Realities of Lusophone Countries.

  • Objectives


    Revisit the Portuguese way of being in the World. Relate the appearance of Lusophony with the end of the cycle colonial. Know the Portuguese-speaking realities in the social aspects or dimensions, political and economic. Prospecting the role of Lusophony in the construction of paradigm of the New World Order. Understand the relationship between the situation exit from World War II and the malfunctioning of the Euromundo. Relating the bipolar World with regional conflicts, the decolonizing process and the Non-Aligned Movement. Understand the recovery of Western Europe on the basis of American support, but also, of their own will and visions. assertions of small steps. Know the rule and exceptions of Portuguese colonial administration. Relate the 25th of April 1974 and the administration with the way in which the so-called decolonization took place. Linking the ideological options taken by the new Portuguese-speaking countries with politics of blocks and the cold war.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    As it is a theoretical unit, the methodology combines the technical exhibition with the interpretive reading of corpus theories followed by semi-directed debate and a systematization that, in this case, coincides with the almost final part of the class and works as a kind of peroration, but done collectively. The placement of the adverb "almost" is justified because the final part of the class, more exactly the final half hour, is intended for a brief oral presentation by students of an aspect of the subject under study. Continuous assessment requires attendance to three quarters of classes, participation in debates, oral presentation of an individual or small group work on a theme of the program and taking a written test in person.

  • References


    Araújo, R. C. (2000). Os sistemas de governo de transição democrática nos Palop. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora.
    Aron, R. (1984). Paix et guerre entre les nations. Paris: Calmann-Lévy.
    Bayart, J.F. (1966). Civil society in Africa. In P. Chabal (org.), Political domination in Africa: reflections on the limits of power (pp.109-125). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Cardoso, R. (1987). Estado e desenvolvimento em África. Economia e Socialismo, X (71), 45- 69.
    Comeliau, C. & Sachs, I. (Dir.) (1988). Histoire, culture, styles de développement: Brésil et Inde. Paris: L. Harmattan.
    Easton, D, (1965). A systems analysis of political life. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
    Elizalde, A. (2005). Globalización mundialización. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones UCSH.
    Ferreira, E. (1994). Relações entre Portugal e África de língua portuguesa: comércio, investimento e dívida (1973-1994). In Análise social, vol. xxix (129), 1071-1121.

  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    José Carlos Ribeiro de Calazans Duarte

    Com marcação prévia

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