
Class Political Socio-Economics of the European Union

  • Presentation


     To present the background, main moments and achievements of integration in Europe, in the economic, social, political and institutional aspects with a view to acquiring an awareness of European citizenship.
    The European Union "is not a territory, but a common conscience".
    It also promotes the acquisition of knowledge about the functioning of the Institutions of the European Union, such as obtaining more information about the other Member States, thus contributing to greater mobility in terms of the acquisition of qualifications and competences, and also for a more efficient European Union labor market.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The construction of the European Union: the current difficulties and the historical evolution.
    1.1 The monetary crisis, the economic crisis: scenarios for the future of the European Union - Economicblocs and survival.
    1.2 The stages of European integration.
    2. The European Union: Treaties and Institutions
    3. Economic and Monetary Integration.
    3.1 From the Common Market to the Single Market.
    3.2 The strategy for growth and employment - green jobs - energy policy and environmental
    4. The European Agenda.
    4.1 From the Lisbon strategy to the Europe 2020 strategy.
    4.2 Strategic Challenges.
    5. Problems of competitiveness and cohesion in Europe.
    5.1 The European Union in the context of the world economy
    5.2 Economic and Social Cohesion.
    5.3 Social and regional policy.
    6. The European labor market.
    6.1 The employment policy.
    6.2 Social protection policy.
    6.3 Training and education policy.

  • Objectives


     - Adaptability to new environments and contexts.
    - Social awareness and ethical guidance.
    - Openness to innovation (R & D).
    - Adaptation to diverse social and cultural environments (multiculturalism)
    - Management of socio-cultural and economic diversities.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Practical theoretical-practical group work is carried out throughout the classes, both on the different Member States and on previously selected topics. 
    Continuous assessment consists of assessing student performance during the semester.
    Attendance at 75% of classes with active participation during the course. The weighting of the test is 50%, the report with the respective discussion is 40%, the remaining 10% will be for all other evaluation elements (attendance, punctuality, participation).

  • References


    • MANUEL, Carlos Lopes, Teoria de Integração e Políticas Comunitárias: Face aos desafios da Globalização. 4ª Ed. Lisboa: Terramar, 2009.
      MARQUES, Paulo. Entre a Estratégia de Lisboa e a Europa 2020 ¿ Para onde caminha o modelo social europeu. Lisboa: Principia, 2011.
      POLANY, K., A grande transformação: as origens políticas e económicas do nosso tempo. Lisboa: Edições 70, 2012.
      PORTO, Manuel Carlos Lopes, Teoria de Integração e Políticas Comunitárias: Face aos desafios da Globalização. 4ª Ed. Lisboa: Terramar, 2009.
      SOULIER, Gérard, A Europa. História, civilização, instituições. Lisboa. Instituto Piaget. 2011.


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