
Class Techniques of Written Expression

  • Presentation


    The Curricular Unit aims to:

    • Stimulate the conscious use of the resources of Portuguese in different registers;
    • Promote writing skills with a view to greater intentionality in communication;
    • Apply writing techniques, mechanisms and structures with a view to more effective
    • communication;
    • Develop the ability to analyse texts critically, identifying their structure, objective and/or figurative
    • meaning in the use of words;
    • Promote argumentation skills, with a special emphasis on the clear, precise and deliberate
    • articulation of ideas;
    • Foster the production of different types of texts, considering the correctness of writing (in terms of
    • spelling and grammar) and the requirements of the type of text in question
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Critical aspects of spelling
    Critical aspects of verbal inflection
    Critical aspects of vocabulary
    Critical aspects of verbal syntax


    The writing process: planning, writing, revising
    From the sentence to the paragraph
    Articulating the discourse: the discourse connectors
    Linguistic mechanisms that add impact to the text
    The correct use of punctuation, with special emphasis on the use of the comma


    Production of texts of the professional/business area: news article, formal e-mail , formal
    invitation, press release, argumentative text, cover letter, among others.
    Reading and analysis of texts from various authors in diversified registers (essay, commentary,
    critical review, among others).

  • Objectives


    Competencies to acquire:

    • Knowledge of linguistic and non-linguistic strategies explicitly and implicitly used to achieve
    • different communicational goals;
    • The ability to reflect critically on texts produced by others and the student, considering their
    • respective communicational goals;
    • The ability to produce texts in different contexts and with diversified goals, autonomously,
    • ensuring spelling and grammatical correction, as well as internal cohesion and consistency;
    • The ability to articulate arguments in a coherent and well-structured manner.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Classes are theoretical-practical and involve applying and developing the skills required by the use of the
    language in written exercises. The lecturer presents the topic with audio-visual aids or fostering the
    discussion and mobilization of previous knowledge. From the presentation and/o discussion, the students
    are stimulated to participate actively in the construction of knowledge based on the reading and
    discussion of texts of different types, use of diversified materials, practical exercises, favouring work in
    pairs or small groups to be shared in the classroom.
    Metodologia de avaliação:
    In this curricular unit, the following evaluation elements will be used, with the following weights:
    2 written tests: 50% each
    The writing exercises done in class constitute crucial moments of formative assessment.

  • References


    Carvalho, J.A. (2018). Problemas e Curiosidades da Língua Portuguesa . Brasília: Editora Trampolim.
    Braga, M. (2012). Redação, Teoria e Prática . 2ª edição Atualizada e Revisada. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier
    Estrela, E., Soares, M.A. & Leitão, M.J. (2010). Dicionário de dúvidas, dificuldades e subtilezas da
    Língua Portuguesa , 2ª ed., Alfragide: Dom Quixote.
    Garner, B. (2018). Escrita Empresarial. Lisboa: Conjuntura Actual Editora
    Leite, S.A. (2017). Como escrever tudo em português correto . Barcarena: Editorial Presença.
    Neves, M. (2020). Pontuação em Português. Guia prático para escrever melhor. Lisboa: Guerra e Paz
    Provost, G. (2017). Cem maneiras de melhorar a escrita. Lisboa: Guerra & Paz Editores
    Tavares, S.D. (2015). 500 erros mais comuns da língua portuguesa . Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livros.
    Tavares, S.D. (2019). Comunicar com sucesso. Dicas úteis para uma comunicação clara, empática e
    emocionalmente inteligente . Alfragide: Oficina do Livro.

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