ANA PAULA SILVA is a Professor of Epistemology of Social Sciences of Education, Dialogue and Democracy and Educational Leadership, Equity and Learning at Lusophona University. She started teaching in Higher Education (2009-2014) at ESE Almeida Garrett, where she directed the masters in Sciences of Education: School Administration, and Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers. She was a High School Teacher from 1987 to 2014. In 1998, she became a teacher trainer certified by the Ministry of Education in areas such as educational innovation, project methodology and action research, and recognized in the field of learning and institutional assessment, becoming recently an expert in the process of Portuguese schools' external assessment. Along with her docent duties, she was a Deputy Director General and Pedagogical Director of the Faculdade Conhecimento e Ciência (Faculty of Knowledge and Science), Belém, Pará, Brazil (2017-2022), as well as a co-founder of Almada Mundo International Association of Education, Training and Innovation, Portugal, where she has been part of educational teams addressing issues of school dropout and educational programs for young people who are out of the regular educational system, as well as Erasmus+ projects addressing these issues. Before becoming an integrated research member of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED), she integrated CIUHCT (Inter-University Centre for the History of Sciences and Technology) being awarded as an International Scholar by the Society for the History of Technology, USA, in 2002, and was an invited scholar at the Imperial College, London in 2011-2012. As a CeiED member, she was co-responsible for the projects: European Policy Network on School Leadership (EPNoSL) (2011-2015) and the Erasmus + School Leadership Toolkit for Accelerating Achievement (SLAT4AA) (2014-2016), and responsible for Pedagogy and Practice (PedPack) (2018-2020) and Stakeholders Together Adapting Ideas to Readjust Local Systems to Promote Inclusive Education (STAIRS) (2019-2022). As a researcher and author, she has work published both in the History of Sciences and Technology and in Sciences of Education, both in Portuguese and English and she is a reviewer of the journals Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones, TST; Revista Educação of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; the International Journal of Leadership in Education; The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied; and Psicología of the Universidade CES, Colômbia, Medellín.
Especialização pós-licenciaturaQualificação em Ciências da Educação
MestradoHistória e Filosofia das Ciências
DoutoramentoDoutoramento em História e Filosofia das Ciências
Artigo em revista
- 2023-07-25, Filosofia africana ubuntu na interface do direito universal à educação, ensino público e escola inclusiva, Educação, Sociedade & Culturas
- 2022-09-06, Pedagogia para os bens comuns da humanidade no pré-escolar, Brazilian Journal of Development
- 2018-09-01, Book Review: Simone M. Mu¨ller. Wiring the World: The Social and Cultural Creation of Global Telegraph Networks, HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology
- 2018-06, Escala de Bem-estar Global: Análise das Suas Características Psicométricas, Health Research Journal
- 2017, Spiritual intelligence self-assessment inventory: Psychrometric properties of the Portuguese version of SISRI-24, Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging
- 2016, Planos integrados, lagos artificiais e medicina tropical – o caso de Cahora Bassa nos anos 1960-1970, Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical
- 2015-06, Nota Introdutória. Liderança nas escolas para a equidade e aprendizagem - perspetivas e percursos., Revista Lusófona de Educação
- 2015-06, Liderança dos professores para a equidade e a aprendizagem, Revista Lusófona de Educação
- 2015-06, A good practice in School Leadership – Portuguese case study, Revista Lusófona de Educação
- 2015, Inteligência espiritual: Um bem educativo, REVISTA EDUSER
- 2019, FUNDAMENTOS PARA A FORMAÇÃO DOS EDUCADORES NO SÉCULO XXI: Liderança pedagógica, bem-estar docente e inteligência espiritual. , 1.ª, SILVA, ANA PAULA, Fundação Manuel Leão
Capítulo de livro
- 2023, Pontes d' Almada para o Mundo - COSMUS(EU), Educação e Museus - Uma visão intercultural inclusiva e integrada, 1.ª, Edições Piaget
- 2023, Global Well-being Scale: Analysis of their psychometric characteristics, GLOBAL HEALTH TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES IN HEALTH SCIENCES, Seven Editora
- 2021, Trans-Atlantic telegraph communications via the Azores. , Valentia the birthplace of world communication. Technical report, 1.ª, Kerry County Council
- 2021, Barragens, planos e ambiente na electificação das colónias portuguesas em África, Ciência Tecnologia e Medicina na Construção de Portugal., 4, 1.ª, Tinta da China
- 2021, Anfitrião ou refém: o papel da rede telegráfica portuguesa no xadrez mundial (da Regeneração ao Estado Novo). , Ciência Tecnologia e Medicina na Construção de Portugal, 3, 1.ª, Tinta da China
- 2015, Promoting collaboration toolset. , 1, 1, European Policy Network on School Leadership