Mohammed Boubezari. Completed the Doktor (PhD) in Mohammed Boubezari in 2001/11/05 by Université de Nantes.
DoctoratMohammed Boubezari
Pós-doutoramentoQualitative representation of the acoustic space: "Analysis and qualitative representation of the urban soundscape”
DEAAmbiances Architecturales et Urbaines
Diplôme d´études supérieuresDiplôme d'architecte
Journal article
- 2023, Topologies sonores de la parole : Rapport entre l'audibilité et l'intelligibilité testé in situ, Acoustique et Techniques
- 2022, M. Boubezari (2022-on submission), Audibility versus intelligibility ratio of sound topologies tested in situ, in JASA Journal of American Society of Acoustics, USA , JASA Journal of American Society of Acoustics,
- 2020, La Smart Society, Madinati
- 2003, Measure by listening, introduction of masking effect to characterize a specific noise, Acta Acustica (Stuttgart)
- 2003, Au-delà du confort sonore; l'usager dans la maîtrise du confort sonore et dans le protocole de mesurage acoustique, Espaces et sociétés
- 2001, Dispositions et dispositifs ordinaires de confort sonore, Acoustique & Technique
- 1999-06, Habiter l'espace sonore : Quand faire, c'est dire, Alinéa
Thesis / Dissertation
- 2001-11-05, PhD, Méthode exploratoire sur les pratiques intuitives de maîtrise du confort acoustique en milieu habité
- 2023, 30 anos de ensino de urbanismo na Lusófona (2023-no prelo), Boubezari, Mohammed; Mateus, Diogo. Corresponding author: Mateus, Diogo, Lusófona
- 2007, Réflexion sur la couleur d'Alger, Boubezari, Mohammed, Parque Expo
- 2007, O espaço sonoro e as suas topologias, ParqueEXP0, Boubezari, Mohammed, Parque EXPO
- 2007, Internet: La sociabilité des sociétés Médiatisées, PUCA, Boubezari, Mohammed; Paulette Duarte; Marie-Christine Couic, PUCA
Book chapter
- 2023, M. Boubezari, O que o espaço sonoro nos ensina sobre a arquitectura in L.C. Ribeiro (Eds) A experiência sonora: da linearidade à circularidade, ULHT, CICANT/ECATI , A EXPERIÊNCIA SONORA: DA LINEARIDADE À CIRCULARIDADE, Documenta
- 2022, Syntactic analysis of scenic spaces: the case of Praça do Comércio in Lisbon, Proceedings 13th International Space Syntax Symposium, SSS 2022
- 2021, O som e o silencio dum povo em revolução: o caso da revolução do sorriso na Argélia, Geografias Culturais da Música, do Som e do Silêncio. , Lab2PT-Universidade do Minho
Edited book
- 2008, 1, IST, IST-Técnico
Online resource
- 2022-11-24, Back to Human Scale International Meeting,
Conference paper
- Spatial representation of soundscape,
- 2022, Syntactic Analysis of Scenic Spaces The case of Praça do Comércio in Lisbon
- 2020-12-02, Sensitive topologies configurations in the milieu and the urban landscape, What you feel is what you get. , Ambiances 2020, Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds. 4th International Congress on Ambiances
- 2020-11-10, Which urban development for Algiers far from oil dependency? Towards TOD solutions., 56th ISOCARP World Planning Congress 2020
- 2014-07-18, What If sound Perception Was a Matter of Touch ?, Invisible Places
- 2012-09, La topographie du paysage sonore, un outil descriptif et prédictif des ambiances sonores, Ambiances in Action
- 2012-08, the soundscape topography, the case study of jardim d’Estrela, INTERNOISE 2012
- 2012-08, Living soundscapes in housing, INTERNOISE 2012
- 2012, The soundscape topography, the case study of Jardim d'Estrela
- 2012, Living soundscapes in housing
- 2011-10, RELATED ISSUES ON REHABILITATION CENTERS MEKNÈS CASE STUDY, The Soundscape Think Tank - COST TUD0840, A part of the cultural heritage
- 2011-10, On the soundscape of urban parks, 162nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of América
- 2011-07, Soundscape mapping, a predictive approach, ICSV18 - 18th International Congress on Sound & Vibration
- 2011-06, Predictive Soundscape Mapping, Forum Acusticum 2011
- 2011, Predictive soundscape mapping
- 2011, Predictive soundscape mapping
- 2010-04, Towards a measuring unit for soundscape based on white noise, Institute of Acoustics & Belgium Acoustical Society Noise in the Built Environment
- 2010, Towards a measuring unit for soundscape based on white noise
- 2009-10, The soundscape project as an alternative solution for urban noisy places, the case of Alcantara bridge, Euronoise 2009
- 2008-06-29, Noise masking as a soundscaping measuring procedure, Acoustics08, Euronoise 2008
- 2008-06, Noise masking as a soundscaping measuring procedure, Acoustics08, Euronoise 2008
- 2008, Noise masking as a soundscaping measuring procedure
- 2005-07, Masking level for assessment and separation of perceived "sound sizes", ICSV12
- 2005, Sound topology as an architectural element of design
- 2005, Masking method for qualitative sound maps
- 2005, Masking level for assessment and separation of perceived "sound sizes"
- 2004-09, Why is comfort perceived only when it misses?, IV Congresso Ibero-Americano de Acustica 2004
- 2004-09, The limit of audibility as a perceptive criterion for qualitative maps, IV Congresso Ibero-Americano de Acustica 2004
- 2004-07, Qualitative sound map and soundscape representation , Eleventh International Congress on Sound and Vibration
- 2004-04, Towards Qualitative Sound Maps With Differentiated Sources, The 18th International Congress on Acoustics - ICA 2004
- 2004-03, Sound topologies as a spatial description of the soundscape, the qualitative sound map of Rossio square in Lisbon, Congrès Commun CFA/DAGA 04
- 2003-10, Towards a qualitative noise map based on measurement and perception, the case of Rossio square in Lisbon , XXXIV Congresso Nacional de Acustica- Encontro Ibérico de Acustica
- 2003-05, Measure by listening, introduction of masking effect to characterise a specific noise , Euronoise 2003 - 5th European Conference on Noise Control
- 2001, Dispositions et dispositifs ordinaires de confort sonore, 3e Assises nationales de la qualité de l'environnement sonore
- 2000-11, Le corps dans l'espace sonore, Colloque "Corps et médiations du corps"
- 2000-06-03, Les "cyber-prothèses" et les nouvelles compétences usagères, Colloque 3e Journée débat: de la ville virtuelle à la ville réelle
- 2000-06, Domesticating The Sound Space., SoundEscape - International Conference on Acoustic Ecology Trent University
- 1999-03-25, Nicolas Tixier [coordination], Mohammed Boubezari, Pierre-Alain Jaffrenou, Björn Hellström, Concevoir l’espace sonore ?, autres regards sur l’espace habité., 1er forum étudiants - Architectes / Artistes / Ingénieurs, Les grands ateliers de l’Isle d’Abea
- 1999-03, Espace sonore domestique , Autres regards sur l'espace habité - 1er Forum Étudiants/Artistes/ingénieurs, Les Grands Ateliers de l'Isle d'Abeau
- 1996-05, Ambiances au quotidien, 3e Rencontre des doctorants des écoles d'architecture "Paysage et Ambiance"
- 1995-06, L'explication quotidienne du bruit et les ruses de la maîtrise du confort, 2e Rencontre des doctorants des écoles d'architecture du Sud de la France
Conference abstract
- 2023-12-06, Soundscapes versus Sound Milieu, Conferência | A PAISAGEM QUE FALA - EL PAISAGE QUE HABLA - THE LANDSCAPE SPEAKS - Aula Magna da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto (FBAUP)
- 2023-11-24, Sensitive Topologies as an operational concept in architectural and urban ambiances., Back to Human Scale International Meeting
- 2022-10-17, The landscape put to the test of sensitive contact, CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL PAISAJE Y SOSTENIBILIDAD: ESCUCHANDO LA DIVERSIDAD, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Organizado por Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Departamento de Música, ECIS-CSIPM-UAM´Paisajesensorial-Office-lab
- 2008-05, From Descriptive to Predictive Soundscape Representation
Theatre play
- 2023-04-01, Révolution en Famille, d'après un film de Louis Malle "Milou en Mai", Theatralis, Teatro a Comuna
Video recording
- 2020-09-18, SOUNDS OF SILENCE, Mohammed Boubezari
- Dispositif portatif de mesure des courbes d'isophonie d'une source de bruit par effet de masque acoustique et son procede d'utlisation, FR2831956A1, Mohammed Boubezari