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Spring Research School - Facing the Global Turmoil

Experiência académica, científica e cultural.

A Spring Research School consiste num programa bianual, de formação intensiva, dirigida 1º ciclo na área dos estudos políticos e América Latina, em inglês, no qual os estudantes usufruem da experiência académica, científica e cultural em estreita cooperação interinstitucional promovida pelo Observatório Político, em parceria com o GATECH - Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia (EUA) e, este ano, em colaboração com a Universidade Lusófona.


  • 9:30 am
    	<li>Opening remarks: &quot;Cultural revolution and political culture in Portugal&quot; - Patr&iacute;cia Oliveira, coord. (OP/ ISCSP-ULisboa)</li>
    <li><strong>9:45 am</strong>
    	<li>Masterclass - 50 Years of Democracy in Portugal. The consolidation of a political system
    		<li>Prof. Ant&oacute;nio Costa Pinto (FCSEA-ULHT)</li>
    <li><strong>11:00 am</strong>
    	<li>Puzzling the future of politics (Prof. Jorge Botelho Moniz, coord., FCSEA-ULHT):
    		<li><span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small;">United States - Portugal relations: foreign policy and ideology;</span>
    			<li><span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: small;">Prof. Teresa Nogueira Pinto&nbsp;(FCSEA-ULHT)&nbsp;</span></li>
    		<li>Portugal as an Atlantic cooperation hub to foster EU security
    			<li>Prof. Sabrina Medeiros (FCSEA-ULHT);</li>
    		<li>Right-wing populism in 21st century Portugal
    			<li>Prof. Riccardo Marchi (FCSEA-ULHT &amp; ISCTE-IUL).</li>
    <li><strong>12:00 pm</strong>
    	<li>Get together between students I (NECPEE, ULHT - Group of Students of Political Science and International Relations &amp; European Studies and International Relations)</li>
    	<li>Performance: Tuna SAMARITUNA</li>
    <li><strong>12:45 pm</strong>
    	<li>Lunch Break</li>


Data e Hora

sexta-feira, maio 20, 2022 00:00


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