
João Pedro Teixeira Godinho De Oliveira

João Pedro Teixeira Godinho De Oliveira


  • Licenciatura
  • Doutoramento
  • Pós-Graduação
    Pós-graduação em Psicopatologia e Psicologia Clínica, Université de Paris X/ISPA
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Formação em Psicossomática sob a orientação do Professor Sami-Ali, da Universidade de Paris VII.
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Curso de Psicologia Cognitiva, sob a orientação do Professor Frederico Pereira, organizado pelo ISPA.
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Formação em Psicoterapia Cognitiva, dirigida pelo Dr. Michael Power, M.C.R. Social Psychiatry Unit, London.
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Workshop on Mental Health Reabilitation, apresentado por Karen Unger Ph.D., Boston University.
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Curso de Rorschach, dirigido pela Professora Nina Raush de Traubenberg, da Universidade de Paris V.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    “Five Factor Model Assessment of Personality Disorders” sob a orientação de Thomas A. Widiger, Ph.D.
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Workshop “Interpretação do Rorschach - SIR”, sob a orientação de John E. Exner Jr. Ph.D., Rorschach Workshops.
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Workshop “Rorschach em Psicologia Forense”, sob a orientação de Irving B. Weiner Ph.D., University of South Florida Psychiatry Center.
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Workshop “Hipnose clínica e experimental”, sob a orientação do Dr. K.K. Aravindakshan, British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis.
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Curso “Indivíduos e Organizações: gestão do relacionamento interpessoal”, organizado pela Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, Instituto Nacional de Administração.
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Curso “Desenvolvimento e Gestão de Equipas de Trabalho”, organizado pela Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, Instituto Nacional de Administração.
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Workshop “Teste Z de Zulliger”, sob a orientação do Professor Cícero Vaz, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre.
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Curso “Avaliação Psicológica em Contexto Forense”, leccionado pelos Professores José Luís Graña e Enrique Esbec da Universidade Complutense de Madrid.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    MMPI-2 Workshops, sob a orientação de John R. Graham, Ph.D., Yossef S. Ben-Porath, Ph.D., e Paul A. Arbisi, Ph.D., Kent State University Department of Psychology, coordenado pela University of Minnesota.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    MMPI-2 Workshops, sob a orientação de John R. Graham, Ph.D., Yossef S. Ben-Porath, Ph.D., Paul A. Arbisi, Ph.D., R. Michael Bagby, Ph.D., e Auke Tellegen, Ph.D., Kent State University Department of Psychology, coordenado pela University of Minnesota
  • Especialização pós-licenciatura
    Workshop on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), sob a orientação de Robert D. Hare, Ph.D., apresentado por Darkstone Research Group.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Cognitive Therapy Training, sob a orientação de Aaron T. Beck, M.D., e Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Beck Institute, Philadelphia.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Cognitive Therapy Workshops, sob a orientação de Aaron T. Beck, M.D. e Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., Beck Institute, Philadelphia.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Symposium “Detecting Malingering on Personality Tests” sob a orientação de John R. Graham, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Symposium “MMPI-2 RF: Construct Validity and Links to Contemporary Models of Psychopathology” sob a orientação de Martin Selboum, Ph.D., Paul A. Arbisi, Ph.D. e Auke Tellegen, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Symposium “Forensic Personality Assessment: Concepts, Methods, and Applications” sob a orientação de Martin W. Acklin, Ph.D. e Irving B. Weiner, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Symposium “Integrating Hierarchical Structures of Personality and Psychopathology” sob a orientação de Martin Selboum, Ph.D. e Thomas A. Widiger, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Symposium “Criterion Related Validity in Self-Report Assessment” sob a orientação de Peter Weiss, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Workshops, sob a orientação de Ray DiGiuseppe, Ph.D. e Windy Dryden Ph.D., Albert Ellis Institute, New York.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Training, sob a orientação de Ray DiGiuseppe, Ph.D. e Windy Dryden Ph.D., Albert Ellis Institute, New York.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “Advanced Personality Assessment Inventory Interpretation”, sob a orientação de Christopher J. Hopwood, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Symposium “Recent Advances in Clinical and Diagnostic Uses of the MCMI-III” sob a orientação de Gina Rossi, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “The Use of MMPI-2 and MCMI-III in Forensic Practice”, sob a orientação de James R. Flens, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “Structural Equation Modeling: Basic Concepts and Applications”, sob a orientação de Barbara M. Byrne, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “Advanced Interpretation of the MCMI-III”, sob a orientação de Stephen Strack, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “An Introduction to the MMPI-2-RF (Restructured Form)”, sob a orientação de Yossef S. Ben-Porath, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “The Millon Inventories: Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Assessment Applications” sob a orientação de Seth Grossman, Psy.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “Structural Equation Modeling” sob a orientação de Martin Sellbom, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “Testing Structural Equation Models: A Walk Through Single and Multiple-Group Applications”, sob a orientação de Barbara M. Byrne, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “The Personality Assessment Inventory”, sob a orientação de Leslie C. Morey, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “Advanced Interpretation of the Personality Assessment Inventory”, sob a orientação de Leslie C. Morey, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “Latent Class and Latent Profile Analysis”, sob a orientação de Aidan G.C. Wright, Ph.D.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Workshop “Personality Focused Assessment”, sob a orientação de Mark A. Blais, Ph.D., Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.
  • Postgraduate Certificate
    Symposium “Assessing Traits in Samples, Persons, and Cultures” proferido por Robert R. McCrae, Ph.D.
  • Outros
    First Certificate in English
  • Outros
    Certificate of Proficiency in English
  • Outros
    Curso de Español Nível Inicial, Nível Intermédio, Nível Avanzado
  • Outros
    Grundstufe Deutsch do Goethe Institut
  • Outros
    Seminário de Terapia Sexual
  • Outros
    Modelos e Práticas em Psicoterapia
  • Outros
    Formação em Terapia do Comportamento
  • Outros
    Formação em Psicoterapias Breves
  • Outros
    Estágio no Serviço de Psiquiatria do Hospital de Santa Maria
  • Outros
    Estágio no Hospital Júlio de Matos
  • Outros
    Estágio no Hospital Júlio de Matos


Artigo em revista

  • 2021-01-12, The Role of Low Self-Control as a Mediator between Trauma and Antisociality/Criminality in Youth, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • 2019-02-01, The Self-Report Delinquency Scale From the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health Among At-Risk for Delinquency Youths, Violence and Victims
  • 2019-01, Estudo de Validação do Inventário de Personalidade Narcísica – 13 numa Amostra Escolar de Jovens Portugueses, Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación – e Avaliação Psicológica
  • 2018-04, Propriedades psicométricas de uma versão curta da Escala de Impulsividade de Barratt - 11 numa amostra escolar de adolescentes portugueses, Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación – e Avaliação Psicológica
  • 2018-01-08, The Short Dark Triad (SD3): Adaptation and Psychometrics among At-Risk Male and Female Youths, Deviant Behavior
  • 2017-06-09, Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese Version of the Mini-IPIP five-Factor Model Personality Scale, Current Psychology
  • 2016-11, Psychometric properties of the Socially Desirable Response Set-5 among incarcerated male and female juvenile offenders, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
  • 2016-01, Validation of the Buss–Perry Aggression Questionnaire-Short Form among Portuguese juvenile delinquents, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
  • 2015, Delinquência juvenil: Um estudo comparativo de rapazes institucionalizados, Revista de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente
  • 2012, Perceção de conflitos interparentais e estratégias de coping nos adolescentes, Ousar integrar - Revista de reinserção social e prova, 12, 23-38.
  • 2001, O Exame psicológico no contexto forense. , Sub Judice / Ideias

Capítulo de livro

  • 2012, Traços de personalidade e burnout em polícias: uma revisão dos estudos, Manual de Psicologia Forense e da Exclusão Social, Rotas de Investigação e Intervenção, I, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
  • 2012, O estudo empírico do burnout na Polícia de Segurança Pública portuguesa, Polícia, Segurança e Ordem Pública, Perspetivas Portuguesas e Brasileiras (pp.283-309). Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. , Imprensa de Ciências Sociais
  • 2004, Vinculações perigosas: uma breve incursão na vida imaginária do psicopata e daqueles que com ele estabelecem vinculações significativas, Edições Teseaurius
  • 2003, Correspondência entre índices de psicopatia e factores do teste Z de Zulliger, Psicologia - Sociedade e Bem-estar (pp.65-86). Leiria: Editorial Diferença.
  • 1999, Hipnose e projecção: a influência da indução hipnótica básica na resposta à prova projectiva de Zulliger, Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos, VII
  • 1999, Agressividade e psicopatia: contribuição compreensiva através do Rorschach e do Mini-Mult, Avaliação Psicológica - Formas e Contextos, VII
  • 1997, A técnica Rorschach em contextos transculturais: considerações teóricas e metodológicas, Avaliação Psicológica - Formas e Contextos, V

Resumo em conferência

  • 2020, The Influence of the Big Five Personality traits, Sensation Seeking, and Music Preferences on Happiness, PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2020, The Effects of Psychopathy and the Big Five Personality Traits on Risk Taking Behavior, PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2019, The Influence of Psychopathy and the Big Five Personality Traits on Internet Trolling, PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2019, The Effects of the Big Five Personality traits and Music Preferences on Happiness, PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2018, The Influence of Psychopathy and the Big Five Personality Traits on Criminal Thinking Styles, PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2018, The Effects of the Big Five Personality Traits, Gratitude, Hope, and Self-Esteem on Happiness, PsycEXTRA, APA
  • 2017, The Influence of the Big Five Personality Traits, Gratitude, and Hope on Happiness, PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2017, The Influence of Psychopathic Traits and Sensation Seeking on Aggressive Behavior among teenagers, International Congress on Law and Mental Health
  • 2017, The Influence of Personality and Self-esteem on Internet Addiction, Evolving Proficiencies in Personality Assessment, SPA.
  • 2017, The Effects of Big Five Personality Traits, Sensation Seeking, and Self-esteem on Internet Addiction, PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2017, Personality traits, Happiness and Gratitude among Older Adults: A Five Factor Model Approach, Evolving Proficiencies in Personality Assessment, SPA.
  • 2016, The Influence of Psychopathic Traits and Sensation Seeking on Criminal Thinking Patterns, Keeping Abreast of Changing Times: Education, Training, & Practice to Enhance Forensic Mental Health, IAFMHS.
  • 2016, The Effects of Psychopathic Traits, Sensation Seeking, and Empathy on Criminal Thinking Styles, PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2016, Personality, Music-Elicited Emotions, and Self-Esteem: A Five Factor Model Contribution towards an Understanding of the Processes of Musical Enjoyment, Personality and Social Psychology. SPSP.
  • 2015, The Effects of Sensation Seeking on Music Preferences and Self-esteem, Charting the Future of Personality Assessment, SPA.
  • 2015, Personality Traits, Emotional Responses to Music, and Happiness: A Five Factor Personality Structure Paradigm, Charting the Future of Personality Assessment, SPA.
  • 2014, The Influence of Personality and Sensation Seeking on Internet Addiction among College Students, From Crisis to Sustainable Well-Being, IAAP.
  • 2014, Personality and Sensation Seeking among Security Professionals: The Role of Pro-social Risk Taking, Personality and Social Psychology, SPSP.
  • 2014, Personalidade e Cognições Agressivas em Professores do Ensino Básico e Secundário, Actas do IX Congresso Ibero Americano de Psicologia.
  • 2014, Need for Cognition and Procrastination: A Five Factor Model Perspective, Evolution & Revolution in Personality Assessment, SPA.
  • 2014, Hope and Happiness: A Five Factor Model Approach, Evolution & Revolution in Personality Assessment, SPA.
  • 2014, Hope and Happiness among Older Adults: A Five Factor Model of Personality Perspective, From Crisis to Sustainable Well-Being, IAAP.
  • 2014, A Tríade Negra e os Cinco Grandes Factores da Personalidade, Actas do IX Congresso Ibero Americano de Psicologia.
  • 2013, The Role of Aggression and Empathy in the Dark Triad of Personality, PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2013, The Dark Triad of Personality and its relation to Sensation Seeking and Empathy., Personality Assessment: Strengthening the Heart of Professional Psychology, SPA.
  • 2013, Subclinical Psychopathy and the Major Dimensions of Personality: A perspective based on the HEXACO Model. , Personality and Social Psychology, SPSP.
  • 2013, Sensation Seeking and Risk Taking among Police Officers: A Proposal based on the HEXACO Model of Personality., Personality Assessment: Strengthening the Heart of Professional Psychology, SPA.
  • 2013, Relations between the Big Five Personality Traits and Aggressive Behavior among Security Professionals, Protecting and Promoting Total Worker Health, Work, Stress, and Health. APA.
  • 2013, Happiness and Gratitude: A Hexaco Personality Structure Paradigm Approach, PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2012, Validity and Psychometric Examination of the Sensation Seeking Inventory (SSI) in a Portuguese Sample. , PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2012, Psychopathic Traits and Angry Cognitions among Juvenile Offenders: A Multi-Trait Approach. , From Prevention to Reintegration: Forensic Mental Health Services across the Continuum of Care, IAFMHS.
  • 2012, Psychopathic Personality, Sensation Seeking and Empathy: A Proposal Based on the “Successful” Psychopath Paradigm., Enhancing and Expanding Personality Assessment, SPA.
  • 2012, Personality Traits as Predictors of Aggression: A Combined Five Factor Model and Interpersonal Circumplex Conceptual Framework. , PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2012, Personality Correlates and Predictors of Happiness: The Role of Extraversion, Neuroticism and Sensation Seeking. , Enhancing and Expanding Personality Assessment, SPA.
  • 2011, Understanding Links among Sensation Seeking, Psychopathy, and Aggression in a Non-Institutionalized Sample. , PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2011, The Sensation Seeking Inventory (SSI): A Short Measure of the Major Dimensions of Sensation Seeking. , Individual Differences, ISSID.
  • 2011, Sensation seeking as a musical interest target variable: How a personality trait can predict musical activity. , Personality Assessment: Diverse Perspectives, Methods, Applications, SPA
  • 2011, Sensation seeking and music listening: effects on the use of music in everyday life. , Personality Assessment: Diverse Perspectives, Methods, Applications, SPA
  • 2011, Sensation seeking and coping strategies among police officers. , Personality Assessment: Diverse Perspectives, Methods, Applications, SPA
  • 2011, Sensation seeking and burnout among police officers: protective versus maladaptive effects. , Work and Well-Being in an Economic Context, APA.
  • 2011, Procura de sensações, extroversão e neuroticismo em polícias: um estudo com a SSS-V e com o EPQ-R-S, Avaliação Psicológica: Formas e Contextos, XV.
  • 2011, Personality and Subclinical Psychopathy: A Five-Factor Model Approach. , Individual Differences, ISSID.
  • 2011, Personality and Emotional Responses to Music: A Five Factor Model Perspective. , Individual Differences, ISSID.
  • 2011, Personality Correlates of Music Preferences among Portuguese University Students: A Proposal based on the Five-Factor Model. , PsycEXTRA, APA.
  • 2011, Extraversion, neuroticism and burnout among urban firefighters: the role of personality on everyday work environment. , Work and Well-Being in an Economic Context, APA.
  • 2011, Estimating subclinical psychopathy from normal personality traits: A proposal based on the five-factor model of personality. , Personality Assessment: Diverse Perspectives, Methods, Applications, SPA.
  • 2010, Sensation seeking and aggressiveness among security professionals, Personality Assessment, SPA
  • 2010, Personality and psychopathy in a noninstitutionalized sample, Personality Assessment, SPA
  • 2010, Personality and music preferences, Personality Assessment, SPA
  • 2010, Links between sensation seeking and music preferences , Personality Assessment, SPA
  • 2010, Burnout, impulsividade e procura de sensações em polícias, Psicologia, Saúde e Doenças
  • 2009, Psychopathy, aggression and sensation seeking. , Personality, Psychopathology and their Interpenetration, SPA
  • 2009, Personality and sensation seeking among law enforcement officers, Personality, Psychopathology and their Interpenetration, SPA.
  • 2009, Alcohol Abuse, Personality and Aggressiveness in University Students according to Gender, Personality, Psychopathology and their Interpenetration
  • 2009, Agressividade e comportamento desviante - factores de risco e estratégias de intervenção, Criminalidade, toxicodependência, violência, família e sociedade, FPAT.
  • 2007, Sensation seeking and aggression among psychopaths, “Working Together: Interdisciplinarity in Forensic Mental Health”. Montreal: IAFMHS.
  • 2006, Drug addiction, sensation seeking and aggressiveness, A Safe Society: Effective Assessment, Prevention and Treatment in Forensic Mental Health, IAFMHS
  • 2006, Avaliação do risco de violência: propostas conceptuais e metodológicas, III Congresso Internacional da Área de Psicologia Criminal e do Comportamento Desviante da ULHT.
  • 2002, The Zulliger’s Z-test in Portugal: contributions to a normative study, XVII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, International Rorschach Society.
  • 2002, Elements for the understanding of the projective character of music, XVII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, International Rorschach Society.
  • 2002, Drug abuse and object relations - A comparative study between a drug consumer group and a non-consumer group, through the Rorschach mutuality of autonomy representation scale (MOA), Book of Abstracts of the XVII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, International Rorschach Society.
  • 2002, Correspondence between psychopathy indices and Zulliger’s Z-test variables, XVII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, International Rorschach Society.
  • 2002, A reliability study in the Rorschach test through the test-retest and inter-rater agreement methods, Book of Abstracts of the XVII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, International Rorschach Society.
  • 2002, A new software for Rorschach data treatment, XVII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods
  • 1999, Hypnosis and projection: The Influence of basic hypnotic induction in the response to the Zulliger’s projective test, Book of Abstracts of the XVI International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, International Rorschach Society.
  • 1999, Comparative elements towards an approach to the projective character of the musical stimulus, Book of Abstracts of the XVI International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, International Rorschach Society.
  • 1999, Aggression and psychopathy: a contribution to the understanding of psychopathic aggression dynamics through the Rorschach, XVI International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods., International Rorschach Society.
  • 1998, Elementos comparativos para uma abordagem do carácter projectivo do estímulo musical, Libro de Abstracts da VI Conferência Internacional Evaluación Psicológica: Formas y Contextos, Universidad de Salamanca.
  • 1998, Aplicação de um diferenciador semântico ao teste de Rorschach, VI Conferência Internacional Evaluación Psicológica: Formas y Contextos, Universidad de Salamanca.
  • 1998, A técnica Rorschach em contextos transculturais: algumas contribuições para a teoria da prática, VI Conferência Internacional Evaluación Psicológica: Formas y Contextos, Universidad de Salamanca.

Prefácio / Posfácio

  • 2013, Personalidades sem Abrigo


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