
Pedro Rosa

Pedro Rosa


I was born in Lisbon, Portugal. I have a Psychology BSc (with honors) degree and s M.Sc. degree in Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counseling from the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, in Lisbon, Portugal, in 2006 and 2008, respectively. I hold a Ph.D degree in Health Psychology from the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal, in 2014. I currently am Associate Professor at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisbon, Portugal, and at the Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes, Portimão, Portugal. I am the director of the Experimental Psychology Lab at ISMAT and the deputy-director of the Experimental Psychology Lab at Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon. My current research interests are on quantitative methods/psychometrics and ocular (eye tracking) and psychophysiological recording. I have been working in eye tracking methodology since 2008 and I have conducted several eye tracking training courses in Portugal and abroad. I am Invited Associate Professor at ISCTE and at Universidad de San Buenaventura, Medellin, Colombia. I am a Researcher with the HEI-Lab: Human-Environment and Interactions Labs .Currently, I am the mentor of the International Conference on Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition and Emotion and I also am the founder of the Meeting of Cognitive Oculometry in Portugal. I have published several articles and book chapters with respect to statistics, attention, emotion and eye tracking. In 2016, I received the Award of Merit Researcher from the Portuguese Society of Health Psychology (SPPS).


  • Mestrado
    Psicologia, Aconselhamento e Psicoterapia
  • Licenciatura
  • Licenciatura
  • Doutoramento
    Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde
  • Pós-Graduação
    psicologia da saúde e intervenção comunitária
  • Doutoramento



Journal article

  • 2023-10-26, How much is a chef’s touch worth? Affective, emotional and behavioural responses to food images: A multimodal study, PLOS ONE
  • 2023-08-24, Is Negative Affect that Bad? The Effect of Affective States on Conventional and Unconventional Creative Thinking in University Students, International Journal of Psychological Research
  • 2023-08-23, FamFac: A Database of Famous Faces for Psychology Experiments, International Journal of Psychological Research
  • 2023-08-18, Editorial for Special Issue: Psychophysiology and Experimental Psychology, International Journal of Psychological Research
  • 2023-03-08, Temporal profile of intranasal oxytocin in the human autonomic nervous system at rest: An electrocardiography and pupillometry study, Journal of Psychopharmacology
  • 2023-01-31, The impact of a Curriculum for Resilience Promotion in Deaf Children and Adolescents, British Journal of Special Education
  • 2022-07-21, Psychometric Properties of the Sexually Aggressive Behaviors Scale: Factor Structure, Reliability, and Construct Validity in a Sample of Portuguese Female College Students, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
  • 2022-07-07, Dimensionality and Measurement Invariance of the Sexually Aggressive Behaviors Scale across Male and Female Portuguese College Students, Sexes
  • 2022-02-15, A behavioral approach to sexual function: testing a moderation mediation model with expression of feelings, sexual self-disclosure and gender, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
  • 2022-02-12, A Cluster Analysis on Sexual Boredom Profiles in A Community Sample of Men and Women, The Journal of Sex Research
  • 2022-01-13, Sexual Health and the Pandemic Crisis: Testing the Role of Psychological Vulnerability/Protective Factors on Sexual Functioning and Sexual Distress During a Critical Life Period in Portugal, Archives of Sexual Behavior
  • 2021-11-23, Is Pupil Activity Associated With the Strength of Memory Signal for Words in a Continuous Recognition Memory Paradigm?, Frontiers in Psychology
  • 2021-10-20, Análisis de reversibilidades perceptuales y de tiempos de respuesta en el marco de la decodificación de una imagen biestable, Interdisciplinaria. Revista de Psicología y Ciencias Afines
  • 2021-09, Exploring Hypersexuality Pathways From Eye Movements: The Role of (Sexual) Impulsivity, The Journal of Sexual Medicine
  • 2021-05-30, Ocular fixations modulate audiovisual semantic congruency when standing in an upright position, Suma Psicológica
  • 2021-04-03, Validation of a Scale of Religious and Spiritual Coping (RCOPE) for the Portuguese Population, Journal of Religion and Health
  • 2021-03-26, Does caffeine matter for arousal? Affective and autonomic responses induced by caffeine in coffee intake: evidence from a double-blind tasting task, Journal of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience
  • 2021-03-15, Cultural differences in vocal emotion recognition: a behavioural and skin conductance study in Portugal and Guinea-Bissau, Psychological Research
  • 2021-02-12, Pupil dilation reflects the authenticity of received nonverbal vocalizations, Scientific Reports
  • 2021-01-29, Sintomatologia musculosquelética nos estudantes de enfermagem: o papel dos fatores psicossociais, Revista de Enfermagem Referência
  • 2020-08-19, Adaptive Non-Immersive VR Environment for Eliciting Fear of Cockroaches: A Physiology-Driven Approach Combined with 3D-TV Exposure, International Journal of Psychological Research
  • 2020-07, Gender Differences in the Emotional Response and Subjective Sexual Arousal Toward Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse: A Pupillometric Study, The Journal of Sexual Medicine
  • 2020-02-19, Consolidación de la memoria implícita: efecto de la valencia emocional y el tiempo de exposición mediante el uso de Priming perceptual, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos de Psicología
  • 2020-01-02, Facing polyamorous lives: translation and validation of the attitudes towards polyamory scale in a Portuguese sample, Sexual and Relationship Therapy
  • 2019-10-30, O papel mediador da autorrevelação sexual na relação entre a expressão de sentimentos e a satisfação sexual em adultos heterossexuais, Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología
  • 2019-10-03, “Fifty Shades” and Reported Sexual Consent: A Study with Female College Students, Sexuality & Culture
  • 2019-10, Validation of a new tool for evaluating subjects’ satisfaction with medicine package leaflets: a cross-sectional descriptive study, Sao Paulo Medical Journal
  • 2019-04, Does Pregnancy Play a Role? Association of Body Dissatisfaction, Body Appearance Cognitive Distraction, and Sexual Distress, The Journal of Sexual Medicine
  • 2018-12-28, Escala das dimensões do desenvolvimento da identidade: Estudos psicométricos iniciais, PSICOLOGIA
  • 2018-09-01, Desenvolvimento e Validação da Escala de Literacia Mediática e Informacional para Alunos dos 2º e 3º Ciclos do Ensino Básico em Portugal, Revista LUsófona de Educação
  • 2018-08-17, Los movimientos oculares como medida de control ejecutivo en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad, Revista Chilena de Neuropsicologia
  • 2018, Short Assessment of Health Literacy (SAHL) in Portugal: development and validation of a self-administered tool, Primary Health Care Research & Development
  • 2017, The Art Gallery Test: A Preliminary Comparison between Traditional Neuropsychological and Ecological VR-Based Tests, Frontiers in Psychology
  • 2017, Performance on naturalistic virtual reality tasks depends on global cognitive functioning as assessed via traditional neurocognitive tests, Applied Neuropsychology: Adult
  • 2017, Affective and Physiological Correlates of Perception of Unimodal and Bimodal Emotional Stimuli, Psicothema
  • 2016, The effect of fat content on visual attention and choice of red meat and differences across gender, Food Quality and Preference
  • 2016, The Immersive Virtual Reality Experience: A Typology of Users Revealed Through Multiple Correspondence Analysis Combined with Cluster Analysis Technique, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
  • 2016, Frequency is not enough: Patterns of use associated with risk of Internet addiction in Portuguese adolescents, Computers in Human Behavior
  • 2016, Eye movement analysis and cognitive assessment: the use of comparative visual search tasks in a non-immersive VR application, Methods of Information in Medicine
  • 2015, What do your eyes say? Bridging eye movements to consumer behavior, International Journal of Psychological Research
  • 2015, What do your eyes really say? Bridging eye movements to consumer behavior. , International Journal of Psychological Research
  • 2015, Beyond Traditional Clinical Measurements for Screening Fears and Phobias, Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on
  • 2014, Eliciting Nicotine Craving with Virtual Smoking Cues, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
  • 2012, Ver ou não ver, eis a questão. A relação entre atenção visual selectiva e emoção., In-Mind Português
  • 2012, Nicotine craving: ERPs correlates after VR exposure to smoking cues. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
  • 2012, Nicotine Craving: ERPs correlates after VR exposure to s moking cues, Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine
  • 2011, Traumatic Brain Injury memory training: a Virtual Reality online solution, Journal on Disability and Human Development
  • 2011, Hemispheric asymmetries in recognition memory for negative and neutral words, Journal of Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition
  • 2011, Grabbing attention while reading website pages: the influence of verbal emotional cues in advertising, Journal Of Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition And Emotion
  • 2011, Attentional orienting to biologically fear-relevant stimuli: data from eye tracking using the continual alternation flicker paradigm, Journal of Eye Tracking, VIsual Cogniton and Emotion
  • 2011, Grabbing attention while reading website pages: the influence of verbal emotional cues in advertising, Journal of Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition and Emotion
  • 2010, Training presence: the importance of virtual reality experience on the “sense of being there, Stud Health Technol Inform.
  • 2010, PTSD elderly war veterans: A clinical controlled pilot study, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
  • 2010, Agrido, logo existo: para além do carácter não-adaptativo da agressão., In-Mind Portugues
  • 2009, Virtual Reality Therapy Controlled Study for War Veterans with PTSD. Preliminary Results., Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
  • 2008, Physiological assessment during VR PTSD treatment of a motor vehicle accident patient, Journal of Cyber Therapy and Rehabilitation
  • 2008, Physiological Assessment of Motor Vehicle Accident Posttraunatic Stress Disorder patient during Virtual Reality Exposure – A Clinical Case Study, Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation
  • 2007, War PTSD: a VR pre-trial case study, Cybertherapy and Telemedicine
  • 2006, Presence in a Virtual War Scenario – a Posttraumatic Stress Disorder exploratory case study, Proceedings of the 8th Virtual Reality International Conference

Thesis / Dissertation

  • 2022-10-26, Avaliação das qualidades psicométricas da versão portuguesa do questionário de medo de cobras através da análise da escala de Mokken
  • 2022-07-20, Propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa da escala de fadiga de Pichot e Brun: Um estudo à luz da teoria da resposta ao item não-paramétrica
  • 2022-07-13, Propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa do questionário de tecnostresse (red/tic): Estudos preliminares
  • 2022-02-09, Análise psicométrica da versão portuguesa da escala de fadiga de Pichot e Brun a partir da Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI): Um estudo com aplicação do modelo de crédito parcial generalizado
  • 2022, Abordagem Transdiagnóstica e Tecnostresse: Um estudo exploratório com análise de classes latentes (LCA) numa amostra comunitária de adultos
  • 2021, O uso de tecnologia e o stresse: Estudo de validação psicométrica da versão portuguesa Europeia da escala de tecnostresse red/tic
  • 2021, Direct your gaze toward the planet: Um estudo de eye-tracking sobre a influência da primação de objetivos na promoção de consumos ecológicos
  • 2021, Desenvolvimento e Validação da Lusophone Technostress Image Database (LTID) para eliciação de Tecnostresse
  • 2020, A distância olho-ecrã enquanto resposta comportamental associada ao tecnostresse: um estudo de eye tracking com exposição a imagens da Lusophone Technostress Image Database LTID
  • 2019, Stresso, logo dilato: um estudo pupilométrico com exposição às imagens da Lusophone Tecnostress Image Databse (LTID)
  • 2019, Master, A resposta pupilar enquanto marcador de tecnostresse: um estudo com apresentação de imagens da Lusophone Technostress Image Database (LTID) a uma amostra de adultos portugueses
  • 2018, Master, Resposta eletrodérmica ao tecnostresse : um estudo com a visualização de imagens da Lusophone Technostress Image Database (LTID)
  • 2018, Master, O efeito do tecnostresse na resposta emocional: um estudo eletromiográfico com apresentaçao de imagens da Lusophone Technostress Image Database (LTID)
  • 2018, Master, Deteção e identificação de ameaça biologicamente relevante: um estudo com image morphing
  • 2018, Master, Deteção de ameaça através da duração da primeira fixação ocular: um estudo oculométrico com um paradigma de image morphing
  • 2018, Master, A velocidade sacádica na deteção de cobras: um estudo com image morphing
  • 2012, PhD, Efeitos da exposição repetida subliminar a estímulos biologicamente relevantes nos estados emocionais


  • 2014, I see me, you see me: inferring cognitive and emotional processes from gazing behavior, 1, Gamito, Pedro; Rosa, Pedro Joel Mendes, Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Book chapter

  • 2023, Chapter 9 - School-based interventions using media technologies to promote health behavior change and active learning about nutrition: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis, Academic Press
  • 2020, Validade e fiabilidade da versão portuguesa da Escala de Coping Religioso e Espiritual (ECRE): estudos psicométricos iniciais., Religião, Espiritualidade e Qualidade de Vida
  • 2019, Does Length Really Matter? Effects of Number of Pages in the Informed Consent on Reading Behavior: An Eye-Tracking Study
  • 2017, Eye-Tracking as a Research Methodology in Educational Context, Eye-Tracking Technology Applications in Educational Research, IGI Global
  • 2017, Assessment of Attentional and Mnesic Processes Through Gaze Tracking Analysis: Inferences from Comparative Search Tasks Embedded in VR Serious Games, ICTs for Improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques, 665, Springer International Publishing
  • 2016, Eye-Tracking as a Research Methodology in Educational Context: A Spanning Framework
  • 2014, Eye of the beholder: Voting on a face: the importance of appearance-based trait inferences in a political candidate evaluation - an eye tracking approach., I see me, you see me: inferring cognitive and emotional processes from gazing behavior , Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • 2014, Eye of the beholder: Visual search, attention and product choice, I see me, you see me: inferring cognitive and emotional processes from gazing behavior , Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  • 2014, Affective And Psychophysiological Responses To Erotic Stimuli: Does Color Matter?, I see me, you see me: inferring cognitive and emotional processes from gazing behavior , Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  • 2011, Serious Games for Serious problems: from Ludicus to Therapeuticus, Virtual Reality, 0, 0, InTech, Publishing
  • 2011, Processo de tomada de decisão no feminino: O ciclo menstrual como mediador?, Influência do neuromarketing nos processos de tomada de decisão, Psicosoma
  • 2011, PSPT e Veteranos da Guerra do Ultramar: um Estudo Cliníco Controlado, Estudos de Intervenção Psicológica em Situações de Emergência, Crise e Catástrofe , ISMAT
  • 2011, O homo emocionalis e a tomada de decisão: a irracionalidade da escolha, Neuromarketing e a tomada decisão, Psicosoma
  • 2011, NeuAR – A Review of the VR/AR Applications in the Neuroscience Domain, Augmented Reality - Some Emerging Application Areas , InTech, Publishing.
  • 2011, Estudos de Intervenção Psicológica em Situações de Emergência, Crise e Catástrofe , PSPT e Veteranos da Guerra do Ultramar: um Estudo Cliníco Controlado, ISMAT
  • 2009, Virtual reality therapy controlled study for war veterans with PTSD. Preliminary results , Virtual reality therapy controlled study for war veterans with PTSD. Preliminary results , 144, 5, IOS Press

Conference paper

  • The effect of the number of pages on reading depth: preliminary contributions for a better informed consent in neurorehabilitation, the 4th Workshop
  • The Effect of Serious Games in Cognitive interventions: A Meta-Analysis Study, the 4th Workshop
  • Show me your eyes! The combined use of eye tracking and virtual reality applications for cognitive assessment, the 3rd 2015 Workshop
  • Looking for the Snake That Was There: an Eye-tracking Study with Subliminally Presented Stimuli, 3th European Congress of Psychology
  • Exposição subliminar a estímulos biologicamente relevantes: efeitos na resposta pupilar, VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia
  • Effects of fear-relevant stimuli on attention: Integrating gaze data with subliminal exposure, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)
  • Analog to Digital: Computerized Application of Toulouse-Piéron Combined with Eye Tracking, the 4th Workshop

Conference abstract

  • 2013, À procura do efeito "filo": reatividade pupilar e atividade eletrodérmica durante o processamento não consciente de estímulos biologicamente relevantes, VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia
  • 2013, The detection of phylogenetic threat: can it be predicted by spatial fixation density? , VIII Simpósio Nacional da APP
  • 2010, Subliminal exposure to biologically relevant stimuli: effects on attention and pupil dilation, VII Congresso de la Sociedad Española de Psicofisiologia Y Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva
  • 2010, Processos atencionais e resposta fisiológica na exposição subliminar a estímulos biologicamente relevantes: um estudo com eye-tracking, V Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental
  • 2010, Exposición Subliminal a Serpientes: Efectos en la Atención Y Dilatación Pupilar, VII COngreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés
  • 2010, Detection of biologically relevant stimuli: data from eye tracking using the flicker paradigm, 1st International Conference on Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition and Emotion
  • 2010, Attention and Physiological Responses To Biologically Relevant Stimuli: An Eye-Tracking Study Using Subliminal Procedures, Ãbstracts for the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting

Conference poster

  • 2023-04-01, Chronotype and time-of-day effects on attention to facial features: Evidence from eye tracking, IV CINEICC International Congress, University of Coimbra
  • 2022-06, Effects of Chronotype and Time of Day on Eye Movements During a Face Recognition Test, XI Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
  • 2022-05, Chronotype and Time-of-Day Effects on Face Processing: Early ERP Correlates, International Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON), Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
  • 2021-04, Chronotype and Face Memory: Evidence of an Asynchrony Effect for Morning-Types, Encontro Nacional da APPE, ISPA (online)
  • 2019-07-02, Development and Validation of the Media and Information Literacy Scale (MILS) for the 2nd and 3rd Cycle of Basic Education in Portugal, XVI European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia
  • 2018-09-14, Male body dissatisfaction, sexual distress and satisfaction: a moderated mediation model within a Portuguese context, 4º Congresso Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses
  • 2017, Análise oculométrica na deteção de ameaça biologicamente relevante: um estudo com image morphing combinado com eye tracking, XII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental
  • 2016, O impacto do número de páginas na leitura do consentimento informado: uma abordagem oculométrica, XI Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental
  • 2015, efeito da indução de estados de humor com recurso à exposição continuada de imagens valenciadas, no processo criativo, X Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental
  • 2015, Resistance To Change: (Non) Extinction Of Fear-Relevant Subliminal Stimuli After Supraliminal Pavlovian Fear Conditioning, ESCAN 2014 – European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
  • 2015, Positive sadness: the effect of emotions induced by musical excerpts in behavioral and pupillary responses during a recognition memory task”,, Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental
  • 2015, O contributo do eye tracking (ET) na compreensão das inferências de personalidade através da aparência, em contexto eleitoral, X Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental
  • 2015, Avaliação do efeito do power coffee na resposta afectiva e autónoma: estudo comparativo entre 3 blends de café, X Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental
  • 2013, Fear-relevant gradual change detection in snake-fearful and non-fearful participants: can threat be predicted by spatial fixation density ?, VIII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia
  • 2012, Correlatos afectivos e fisiológicos na percepção de estímulos bimodais incongruentes, VII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental
  • 2012, A importância da cor na percepção de estímulos visuais eróticos: Correlatos afectivos e psicofisiológicos, VII Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimenta
  • 2011, Immersion And Cybersickness: Profiling The “Best” Users For Head Mounted Display Based Immersive Virtual Reality System, VI Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental
  • 2011, Attentional Orienting to biologically fear-relevant stimuli: data from eye tracking , VI Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental
  • 2009, Exposición subliminar a estímulos biológicamente relevantes y sus efectos en la respuesta pupilar , II Jornadas sobre "Emociones y Bienestar“ & XVI Reunión Anual de la SEAS

Other output

  • 2017, Correlatos oculares do processamento não consciente de estímulos de medo biologicamente relevantes
  • 2016, Emotional Reality: Virtual Reality Environments as a tool for emotional elicitation, 30th Congress of the European Federation of Psychology Student¿s Association
  • 2015, Índices oculares e psicofisiológicos do processamento não-consciente de informação visual biologicamente relevante, II Jornadas Investigação em Psicologia-ISMAT
  • 2015, (Não) extinção da resposta de medo a estímulos biologicamente relevantes apresentados subliminarmente, após condicioonamento Pavloviano supraliminar, 10º Encontro Nacional da APPE
  • 2012, Reactividade pupilar como indicador de activação fisiológica a estímulos de medo filogeneticamente relevantes
  • 2011, Pupillary reactivity as a measure of fear arousal to subliminally phylogenetically fear relevant stimuli
  • 2010, The Effect of Subliminal Exposure to Biologically Relevant Stimuli on Pupillary Response: an eye-tracking study , Tobii Eyetracking: Conference on Psychology and Linguistic Research


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