
Formação Livre Spring School: Advanced Training in Communication and Culture for Social Change - CC4SC

This Spring School aims to be an innovative capacity building on Communication and Culture for Social Change (CC4SC) for M.A. and Ph.D. students, young researchers, and humanitarian and development workers. Practitioners are often not connected to contempo... Ler mais



Formato do cursoÀ Distância Horas20h
  • Apresentação


    This Spring School aims to be an innovative capacity building on Communication and Culture for Social Change (CC4SC) for M.A. and Ph.D. students, young researchers, and humanitarian and development workers. Practitioners are often not connected to contemporary academic thought. Academicians are often not connected to projects on the ground. This disconnection represents a lost opportunity in that its main authors believe that the theory itself can contribute to practical social change. In this course, academic discussions will be adapted to match practitioners¿ needs, and project presentations will be adapted to match academicians¿ lacks on what is happen in the field.
  • Competências


    To develop critical thinking to frame communication and culture topics in a systemic way; To improve creative dialogue between theory and practices on CC4SC; To acquire methodologies to research and intervene in CC4SC; To develop creative and innovative solutions to resolve challenges on CC4SC on the ground; To create a project to research or to intervene in CC4SC, naming objectives, results, actions and monitorization.
  • Destinatários


    M.A. and Ph.D. students Young Researchers Humanitarian workers Development workers
  • Programa


    • [Anual]
    • Frequência 0 ects
  • Saídas Profissionais

    Saídas Profissionais

    Research/action on CC4SC. Humanitarian positions in Communication for Development and Social Change, Communication with the Community, Social Mobilization and Community-based creative activities. Cooperation for Development positions in Communication for Social Change, Communication with the Community, Social Mobilization and Community-based creative activities.
  • Observações


    Language - English; In case of every students are Portuguese native speakers, the language will be Portuguese. With the collaboration of the following research projects funded by FCT FEMglocal - Glocal Feminist Movements: interactions and contradictions PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021 YouNDigital - Youth, News and Digital Citizenship PTDC/COM-OUT/0243/2021 ULusófona, CICANT e MelCI Lab HINT - Humanity internationalized: cases, dynamics and comparisons (1945-1980) PTDC/HAR-HIS/6257/2020 CECS e CES Artolution Com4Dev


A este ciclo de estudos/programa de formação aplicam-se as tabelas de emolumentos em vigor na Universidade Lusófona.

Direção do Curso

Professora Dra. Lurdes Macedo


Débora Amorim Radanovitsck

Lisboa 2020 Portugal 2020 Small financiado eu 2024 prr 2024 republica portuguesa 2024 Logo UE Financed Provedor do Estudante Livro de reclamaões Elogios