Marco António do Carmo Gomes Noivo is a PhD in Tourism, lecturer in Cultural Tourism and researcher in Cultural Tourism and Battlefield Tourism. Completed a Master's degree in Art, Heritage and Restoration Theory in 2010 at the University of Lisbon, a degree in Tourism - Heritage and Tourist Information in 2000 at the Instituto Superior de Novas Profissões and a Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Heritage and Tourist Information in 1996 at the Instituto Superior de Novas Profissões. He was an Adjunct Professor at the Instituto Superior de Novas Profissões from 2004 to 2021. Since 2015 he has been an Assistant Professor at the Lusófona University in the Tourism Degree and the Postgraduate Programme in Tour Guiding, which he also coordinates. He works in the area(s) of Social Sciences and has been an active official portuguese Tour Guide since 1997. In his Ciência Vitae CV, the most frequent terms used to contextualise his scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Fortifications - Torres Vedras (Portugal); Military architecture - Portugal - 19th century; Military history - Portugal - 19th century; Cultural tourism; Battlefield tourism and battlefield planning and touristic development; Creative Tourism; Development of immersive experiences; Tour guides training; His Master's thesis (2010) researched Cultural Tourism in the Defensive Lines of Torres Vedras. The PhD in Tourism at the University of Seville, focused on the study of Battlefield Tourism applied to the battlefields of the Peninsular War in Portugal and Spain. The thesis was submitted and accepted in December 2023 and defended in March 2024. He is a research Collaborator Member of Intrepid Lab (Universidade Lusófona).
MestradoArte, Património e Teoria do Restauro (Art, Patrimony and Restoration Theory)
LicenciaturaTurismo - Património e Informação Turística (Tourism - Heritage and Touristic Information)
BacharelatoTurismo - Património e Informação Turística (Tourism - Heritage and Touristic Information)
DoctorDoctoral Program in Tourism
Journal article
- 2022-09-05, Connecting the dots between battlefield tourism and creative tourism: the case of the Peninsular War in Portugal, Journal of Heritage Tourism
- 2022-09-05, Connecting the dots between battlefield tourism and creative tourism: the case of the Peninsular War in Portugal, Journal of Heritage Tourism
Thesis / Dissertation
- 2024-03-11, PhD, Battlefield Tourism: strategies and tactics for the development and tourism planning of the battlefields of the war of independence/peninsular war in Spain and Portugal
- 2010, Master, A 1ª e a 2ª Linhas de Torres: a valorização do património e o turismo cultural
- 2018, Manual de Prática Profissional de Guia-Intérprete
- 2018, Manual de Circuitos, Rotas e Territórios Turísticos