I, Marta Sousa, am an Assistant Professor at Lusófona University, Oporto. I am an Integrated Investigator at the Hei-Lab: Digital Laboratories of Human-Environment Interaction Labs (Lisbon, Portugal). I am also an Expert in Forensic Psychology at the Psychology Association of the University of Minho (APsi-UMinho). My main research interests focus on sexual crimes against children, specifically the characterization and intervention/rehabilitation of individuals who have committed these crimes, as well as risk assessment. I am also studying other types of violent behavior/crime, such as intimate partner violence and other violent offenses, with an emphasis on rehabilitation and mental health. Additionally, I am researching the impact of childhood experiences (both positive and negative) on adulthood, particularly about general antisocial behavior and sexual crimes, as well as the effects of imprisonment on the mental health of inmates (both male and female) and prison staff. I am also a practicing forensic psychologist and have been actively involved in several training and supervision activities in institutions for individuals who have committed crimes (e.g., prisons).
Mestrado integradoMestrado Integrado em Psicologia
OutrosCertificado de Competências Pedagógicas
Curso médioCurso Avançado em Entrevista Motivacional: da intervenção à mudança
Curso médioCurso de Prevenção de Comportamentos Suicidários nas Forças de Segurança
DoutoramentoDoutoramento em Psicologia Aplicada
OutrosSchema Therapy for Forensic Populations Course
OutrosProviding Treatment to People Who Categorically Deny their Sex Crimes of Record
Curso médioCurso Livre Terapia Narrativa de Re-autoria
Curso médioIntervenção Psicológica com Pessoas Refugiadas e Requerentes de Asilo - 5ª edição
Curso médioCurso de Análise Qualitativa de Dados com NVivo
Curso médioPractical Skills for Working with Clients Who Are Angry
Curso médioWorkshop Terapia Focada na Compaixão com crianças e adolescentes
Pós-GraduaçãoTrauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Course
Pós-GraduaçãoTranslating Trauma-Informed Care Into Practice - Online Course
Artigo em revista
- 2024-11-30, Positive Childhood Experiences and Adult Outcomes: A Systematic Review, Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
- 2024-09-17, The Effectiveness of Psychological Intervention for Women Who Committed Child Sexual Abuse: An Empty Systematic Review, Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
- 2024-09, The Portuguese Version of Victim Empathy Distortion Scale: Adaptation and Psychometric Properties, J Police Crim Psych
- 2024-08, Validation of the Revised Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests (SSPI-2) in Portugal, Sexual Abuse
- 2024-08, The Effectiveness of Intervention Programs for Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence with Substance Abuse and/or Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review, Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
- 2024-07, INSIGHT intervention for individuals who sexually offended against children: preliminary results of a randomized pilot study, Psychology, Crime and Law
- 2024-05, The Effectiveness of Schema Therapy in Individuals Who Committed Crimes: A Systematic Review, Trauma Violence & Abuse
- 2024-04-24, Initial validation of Hanson Sex Attitude Questionnaire (HSAQ) in Portuguese perpetrators of child sexual abuse and perpetrators of non-sexual crimes, JOURNAL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT
- 2024-02-12, Cognitive behavioural “third wave” therapies in the treatment of justice-involved individuals: A systematic review, Aggression and Violent Behavior
- 2024-01-24, Male Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse: A Comparison Between Individuals Serving Custodial and Non-Custodial Sentences, Crime & Delinquency
- 2023-12-13, To Be or Not to Be Empathic: the Role of Empathy in Child Sexual Offending, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
- 2023-06-09, Intra and Extra-Familial Child Sexual Abuse: The Role of Psychopathy, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research
- 2022-12-12, Remand Prisoners’ Specific Needs: A Systematic Review, Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology
- 2022-03, The effectiveness of psychological treatment in adult male convicted for sexual offenses against children: A systematic review, Trauma, Violence, & Abuse
- 2022-03, Adverse Childhood Experiences Related to Cognitive and Emotional States: A study on Sexual Offenders in Italy and Portugal, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala
- 2019-08, Prison officers' attitudes towards self-harm in prisoners, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
Tese / Dissertação
- 2024-09, Doutoramento, Homens que praticaram abuso sexual de crianças: Da caracterização e avaliação à intervenção
- 2018-07-23, Mestrado, Atitudes dos guardas prisionais face a reclusos que se autolesionam
Capítulo de livro
- 2024, Comportamento sexual desviante contra crianças: um caso clinico-forense , Intervenção psicológica com adultos , Pactor
- 2023, Violência nas relações de intimidade: Caracterização e intervenção nos ofensores, Violência contra as mulheres , Almedina
- 2021, Intervenção em Crise na Violência - Trauma, Intervenção Psicológica em Crise: Aplicações ao contexto de pandemia COVID-19, Linha de Apoio Psicológico SOS COVID-19 - APsi-UMinho
- 2021, A avaliação psicológica forense de ofensores/as sexuais , Manual de Psicologia Forense
- 2020, Justicia Terapéutica e Intervencion con Ofensores , Justicia Terapéutica: Un Nuevo Paradigma Legal, Wolters kluwer
- 2020, Intervenção Psicológica com Ofensores Adultos, A Prática Profissional da Psicologia na Justiça, Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses
Artigo em conferência
- Remanded prisoners’ specific needs: A scoping review, European Association of Psychology and Law
- Prevalência de perturbações mentais em reclusos preventivos: Uma revisão sistemática, 1.ª Convenção Psicologia UNORTE
- Female offenders’ perceptions about penal sanctions purposes and their own penalty, A just punishment for women? Punitive practices and female offenders' experiences
- Female offenders in custodial and non-custodial penalties: characterization and perceptions about penal sanctions, EUROCRIM e-conference
- 2023-05-05, Ser empático ou não ser: O papel da empatia na perpetração de violência sexual contra crianças, XI Congresso Iberoamericano de Avaliação Psicológica
- 2023-05-05, Abuso sexual de Crianças Intra e Extrafamiliar: O papel da psicopatia, Conferência: XI Congresso Iberoamericano de Avaliação Psicológica
- 2021-09, Necesidades específicas de los subtipos de abusadores sexuales infantiles: un estudio exploratorio, Ciclo de Conferencias en Psicología Jurídica y Forense
- 2021-08, Exploratory results about specific needs and child molesting: Differences between subtypes of offenders, 16th IATSO Conference
Resumo em conferência
- 2022-06-22, A eficácia do tratamento psicológico de homens condenados por crimes sexuais contra crianças: Uma revisão sistemática, XI Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia
Poster em conferência
- 2024-07, Validating the Revised Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests (SSPI-2) in a Portuguese sample of male offenders, EAPL Annual Conference 2024
- 2024-07, In their voices: Perceptions of Individuals who sexually offended children about Insight Program, EAPL Annual Conference 2024
- 2023-05-15, Violência sexual contra crianças: uma análise da prevalência dos interesses sexuais pedófilos, 2.ª Simpósio Doutoral Psi.Unorte
- 2023, Intra and extra-familial child sexual abuse: The role of empathy , 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology
- 2022-02-04, A eficácia do tratamento psicológico de homens condenados por crimes sexuais contra crianças: Uma revisão sistemática, 1.ª Convenção Psicologia UNORTE
- 2021-09, The effectiveness of psychological treatment in convicted adult male child sexual abusers: preliminary results of a systematic review, EUROCRIM e-conference