Pedro Alexandre Barracha da Guerra Júdice concluiu o Doutoramento em Physical Activity and Health pela Universidade de Lisboa em Maio de 2016 com a classificação de Muito bom com distinção, por unanimidade e louvor e é, desde então, Professor Auxiliar na Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade Lusófona. É da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, onde acabou a licenciatura em Ciências do Desporto com 16.4 valores e o mestrado em Exercício e Saúde com a classificação final de 18.2 valores. Publicou 55 artigos em revistas especializadas com arbitragem científica e mais de 20 trabalhos em actas de eventos. Possui 1 software e outros 14 itens de produção técnica, como três capítulos de livros. Participou em vários eventos no estrangeiro e em Portugal. Recebeu 11 prémios e/ou homenagens como melhor aluno durante o seu percurso. Desde 2010 participou em diversos projetos de investigação nacionais e internacionais. Atua na área das Ciências da Saúde, com ênfase em Ciências do Desporto. Nas suas atividades profissionais interagiu com vários colaboradores, tendo estado durante 6 meses na Austrália, a trabalhar no Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute em Melbourne. No seu curriculum os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: Health, Sedentary behavior, Body composition, Energy expenditure, Hydration, Metabolic diseases, Physical activity e Sports.
LicenciaturaCiências do Desporto - Exercise and Health
MestradoExercise and Health
LicenciaturaEntrada e posterior desistência Medicina
Curso médioTRX
Curso médioA Realidade Virtual na Avaliação do Comportamento Humano
Curso médioAbordagens Psicológicas Do Desporto E Do Exercício
Curso médioA Realidade Virtual na Avaliação do Comportamento Humano
Curso médioEstudo avançado Tecido Muscular E Saúde Metabólica:Músculo Esquelético Como
Curso médioDistribuição de Tecido Adiposo e Saúde Metabólica
Curso médioMigration, Nutrition and Ageing Across the Lifecourse in Bangladeshi
Curso médioAssessment Of Physical Activity And Sedentary Behavior: From Laboratory To
Curso médioIn search of the curve: modeling human growth using anthropometric data
Curso médioSecular changes in childhood, adolescent and adult stature e Migration
Curso médioDa Competição À Informação
Curso médioResiliência e Robustez Mental Em Desporto
Curso médioRevisão sistemática (meta-análise): um processo de recolha e análise de dad
Curso médioAvaliação da função cardiorrespiratória - aplicações à clínica e ao treino
Curso médioProblems and Assessment of Body Composition in Sports: IOC Concerns about A
Curso médioTrajectórias de Atividade Física e Comportamento Sedentário
Curso médioSeminário FMH-Empresas
Curso médioObesity mechanisms in brain and adipose tissue - emerging data and current
Curso médioThe relationship between phospolipid metabolism and non-alcoholic fatty liv
Curso médioVascular health, Physical Function and PAD: NO* options but to exercise?
Curso médioDiabetes Forums 2014
Curso médioReal-world setting & anecdotal evidence versus randomized controlled trials
Curso médioHave coronary heart disease outcomes improved in people with diabetes? A p
Curso médioBaker IDI Central Australia; Perpetual Necessity to Tackle Chronic disease
Curso médioVentricular remodelling in cardiomyopathy - impact on ventricular physiolog
Curso médioCardiolipin Remodeling by ALCAT1 Controls Mitochondrial Etiology of Ageing-
Curso médioTracking Single Cell Fate In Haematopoiesis
Curso médioCauses and consequences of diabetes: insights from epidemiological studies
Curso médioImaging the innate immunity
Curso médioSports Science
DoutoramentoPhysical Activity and Health
Pós-doutoramentoThe epidemic has gone global: Can physical activity patterns offset the harmful effects of sedentary behavior? A trans-national prospective study from childhood to adulthood
Artigo em revista (magazine)
- 2012-11-20, Efeitos da ingestão de cafeína na água corporal total, distribuição de fluidos intra e extracelulares e no dispêndio energético, Instituto de Hidratação e Saúde
Artigo em revista
- 2024-03-08, Physical activity and sedentary behaviour-specific domains and their associations with mental health in adults: a systematic review, Advances in Mental Health
- 2024-01-23, Different sedentary behavior domains present distinct associations with eating-related indicators, BMC Public Health
- 2023-11-23, Correlates associated with the compliance for moderate, vigorous, and overall physical activity recommendations of public park users in Oeiras – Portugal, Cities & Health
- 2023-07-05, COVID-19 Social Restrictions’ Impact on the Health-Related Physical Fitness of the Police Cadets, Healthcare
- 2023-06-06, Providing office workers with height-adjustable workstation to reduce and interrupt workplace sitting time: protocol for the Stand Up for Healthy Aging (SUFHA) cluster randomized controlled trial, Trials
- 2023-06, Discrepancies Between Self-reported and Objectively Measured Smartphone Screen Time: Before and During Lockdown, Journal of Prevention
- 2023-02-02, Compensatory mechanisms from different exercise intensities in type 2 diabetes: a secondary analysis of a 1-year randomized controlled trial, Acta Diabetologica
- 2022-09-20, A hierarchy of correlates for objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time, and physical fitness in older adults: A CHAID analysis, European Journal of Sport Science
- 2022-09-01, Effect of a 16-week multi-level classroom standing desk intervention on cognitive performance and academic achievement in adolescents, Scientific Reports
- 2022-03, Physical fitness tests as an indicator of potential athletes in a large sample of youth, Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging
- 2022, Breaking-Up Sedentary Behavior and Detraining Effects on Glycemic Control: A Randomized Crossover Trial in Trained Older Adults, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
- 2021-12-17, A hierarchy of correlates impacting adults’ sensor-based physical activity and sedentary time, Journal of Sports Sciences
- 2021-07-03, Relative sit-to-stand power: aging trajectories, functionally relevant cut-off points, and normative data in a large European cohort., J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle
- 2021-06-07, Threshold of Relative Muscle Power Required to Rise from a Chair and Mobility Limitations and Disability in Older Adults., Med Sci Sports Exerc
- 2021-04-01, Criterion validity of a single-item question for assessment of daily breaks in sedentary time in adults., Eur J Public Health
- 2021-03-29, Physical activity moderates the effect of sedentary time on an older adult's physical independence, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
- 2021-02-02, Sedentary behaviours and their relationship with body composition of athletes, European Journal of Sport Science
- 2021-01-04, Recommendations for determining the validity of consumer wearable heart rate devices: expert statement and checklist of the INTERLIVE Network, British Journal of Sports Medicine
- 2021-01-02, Sedentary patterns are associated with BDNF in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, European Journal of Applied Physiology
- 2020-12-24, Recommendations for determining the validity of consumer wearable and smartphone step count: expert statement and checklist of the INTERLIVE network, British Journal of Sports Medicine
- 2020-11, Sedentary Patterns Are Associated with Bone Mineral Density and Physical Function in Older Adults: Cross-Sectional and Prospective Data, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- 2020-10-20, Fitness, physical activity, or sedentary patterns? Integrated analysis with obesity surrogates in a large youth sample, American Journal of Human Biology
- 2020-08-05, Mediating role of physical fitness and fat mass on the associations between physical activity and bone health in youth, Journal of Sports Sciences
- 2020-06-27, Breaking Sedentary Time Predicts Future Frailty in Inactive Older Adults: A Cross-Lagged Panel Model, The Journals of Gerontology: Series A
- 2020-06, Changes in Physical Activity and Sedentary Patterns on Cardiometabolic Outcomes in the Transition to Adolescence: International Children's Accelerometry Database 2.0, The Journal of Pediatrics
- 2020-05-29, Development and validation of BIA prediction equations of upper and lower limb lean soft tissue in athletes, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- 2020-05-12, Variance in respiratory quotient among daily activities and its association with obesity status, International Journal of Obesity
- 2020-03, Sensor-based physical activity, sedentary time, and reported cell phone screen time: A hierarchy of correlates in youth, Journal of Sport and Health Science
- 2020-01-20, Vascular improvements in individuals with type 2 diabetes following a 1 year randomised controlled exercise intervention, irrespective of changes in cardiorespiratory fitness, Diabetologia
- 2020, Sedentary behavior compensation to 1-year exercise RCT in patients with type 2 diabetes, Translational Sports Medicine
- 2019-09-01, Agreement Between GT3X Accelerometer and ActivPAL Inclinometer for Estimating and Detecting Changes in Different Contexts of Sedentary Time Among Adolescents, Journal of Physical Activity and Health
- 2019-03-07, Accuracy of Actigraph inclinometer to classify free-living postures and motion in adults with overweight and obesity, Journal of Sports Sciences
- 2018-12-17, Anthropometry, Physical and Movement Features, and Repeated-sprint Ability in Soccer Players, International Journal of Sports Medicine
- 2018-10-29, Effectiveness of high-intensity interval training combined with resistance training versus continuous moderate-intensity training combined with resistance training in patients with type 2 diabetes: A one-year randomized controlled trial, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
- 2018, What is the effect of diet and/or exercise interventions on behavioural compensation in non-exercise physical activity and related energy expenditure of free-living adults? A systematic review, British Journal of Nutrition
- 2018, Patterns of accelerometer-derived sedentary time across the lifespan, Journal of Sports Sciences
- 2018, Fitness Mediates Activity and Sedentary Patterns Associations with Adiposity in Youth, Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise
- 2017, Usefulness of motion sensors to estimate energy expenditure in children and adults: a narrative review of studies using DLW, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- 2017, Usefulness of motion sensors to estimate energy expenditure in children and adults: a narrative review of studies using DLW, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- 2017, Sedentary patterns, physical activity and health-related physical fitness in youth: a cross-sectional study, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
- 2017, Sedentary behavior and compensatory mechanisms in response to different doses of exercise—a randomized controlled trial in overweight and obese adults, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- 2017, Sedentary Patterns, Physical Activity, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Association to Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Patients, Frontiers in Physiology
- 2017, Response to ‘The importance of nuance in statements about methods for human energy expenditure estimation that use motion sensors’, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- 2016-07, Suitability of Bioelectrical Based Methods to Assess Water Compartments in Recreational and Elite Athletes., Journal of the American College of Nutrition
- 2015, What is the metabolic and energy cost of sitting, standing and sit/stand transitions?, European Journal of Applied Physiology
- 2015, Validity of GT3X and Actiheart to estimate sedentary time and breaks using ActivPAL as the reference in free-living conditions, Gait & Posture
- 2015, Sedentary bout durations are associated with abdominal obesity in older adults, The journal of nutrition, health & aging
- 2015, Randomized controlled pilot of an intervention to reduce and break-up overweight/obese adults’ overall sitting-time, Trials
- 2015, Estimation of total body water and extracellular water with bioimpedance in athletes: A need for athlete-specific prediction models, Clinical Nutrition
- 2015, Associations of breaks in sedentary time with abdominal obesity in Portuguese older adults., Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands)
- 2014, Sedentary behaviour and adiposity in elite athletes, Journal of Sports Sciences
- 2014, Accuracy of a combined heart rate and motion sensor for assessing energy expenditure in free-living adults during a double-blind crossover caffeine trial using doubly labeled water as the reference method, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- 2013-00, Caffeine intake, short bouts of physical activity, and energy expenditure: a double-blind randomized crossover trial., Runner's World Magazine
- 2013, Total body water and its compartments are not affected by ingesting a moderate dose of caffeine in healthy young adult males, Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism
- 2013, A moderate dose of caffeine ingestion does not change energy expenditure but decreases sleep time in physically active males: a double-blind randomized controlled trial, Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism
Tese / Dissertação
- 2016, Doutoramento, Patterns of sedentary behavior : insights from observational and experimental studies on body composition and energy expenditure
- 2011, Mestrado, Determinant factors on hydration status assessed by urine specific gravity : accuracy of technical procedures and effect of caffeine ingestion.
Capítulo de livro
- 2021, Methods of assessing sedentary behavior, Sedentary Behaviour - A Contemporary View, IntechOpen
- 2011, Efeitos da ingestão de cafeína na água corporal total, distribuição de fluidos intra e extracelulares e no dispêndio energético.,
Artigo em conferência
- Total energy expenditure: combined heart rate and motion sensor vs uni-axial accelerometry models, International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism
- 2019-05-30, Vascular Changes In Patients With T2DM Following 1-year Of Exercise, Irrespective Of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Improvement: 1145 Board #3 May 30 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM, ACSM 2019
- 2019-05-30, Long-term Changes On Bdnf And Igf-1 In Patients With T2dm - Training At Different Intensities: 1144 Board #2 May 30 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM, ACSM 2019
Resumo em conferência
- 2014, Total body and extracellular water hydration estimates in highly active adults: a validation of bioelectrical impedance methods, 10th Triennial Symposium on Body Composition Research, In European Journal of Clinical Nutrition , Lisboa
- 2014, Changes in energy expenditure, energy intake, energy imbalance, and body composition and over a season, European-College-of-Sport Science, In In Proceedings, 19th Annual Congress of the European-College-of-Sport Science, Amsterdam
- 2014, BIA models to assess total body and extracellular hydration in athletes, 19th Annual Congress of the European-College-of-Sport Science, In In Proceedings, 19th Annual Congress of the European-College-of-Sport Science, Amesterdam
- 2014, Associations of sedentary bout durations with abdominal obesity in older adults, 10th International Symposium on Body Composition Linking Functional Body Composition to Nutrition, Exercise, and Health
- 2013, Role of Caffeine Intake on Short Bouts Frequency in Light and Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Patterns, 60th Annual Meeting and 4th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine of the American College of Sports Medicine
- 2012, Does caffeine intake increases energy expenditure and habitual physical activity? A double-blind randomized crossover trial, 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
- 2011, Does caffeine intake affect resting energy expenditure?, International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism
Poster em conferência
- 2019, Vascular improvements in T2DM following 1-year of exercise, irrespective of changes in cardiorespiratory fitness, 66th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine
- 2015-12, PS047: Total body and extracellular hydration estimates inhighly active adults: validation of bioelectrical impedancebased methods, 10th International Symposium on Body Composition, Cascais, Portugal
- 2014, Total body and extracellular hydration estimates in highly active: validation of bioelectrical impedance based methods, 10th International Symposium on Body Composition 2014, Cascais, Portugal
- 2014, Total body and extracellular hydration estimates in highly active adults: validation of bioelectrical impedance based methods, 10th International Symposium on Body Composition
- 2014, Changes in energy expenditure, energy intake, energy imbalance, and body composition and over a season, European-College-of-Sport Science, In In Proceedings, 19th Annual Congress of the European-College-of-Sport Science, Amsterdam
- 2014, BIA models to assess total body and extracellular hydration in athletes, 19th Annual Congress of the European-College-of-Sport Science, In In Proceedings, 19th Annual Congress of the European-College-of-Sport Science, Amesterdam
- 2014, Associations of sedentary bout durations with abdominal obesity in older adults, 10th International Symposium on Body Composition 2014, Cascais, Portugal
- 2013, Total energy expenditure: combined heart rate and motion sensor vs uni-axial accelerometry models, Conference: 2th International Conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism
- 2013, Role of Caffeine Intake on Short Bouts Frequency in Light and Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Patterns, 60th Annual Meeting and 4th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine of the American College of Sports Medicine
- 2012, Does caffeine intake increases energy expenditure and habitual physical activity? A double-blind randomized crossover trial. , ACSM’s 59th Annual Meeting and World Congress on Exercise is Medicine in San Francisco, California, USA. May 29 – June 2, 2012.
- 2012, Accuracy of a combined heart rate and motion sensor for assessing energy expenditure in free-living adults during a double-blind crossover caffeine trial using double labeled water as the reference method, The 30th Obesity Society Annual Meetin
- 2011, Does caffeine intake affect resting energy expenditure?" Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism, In Book of Abstracts, ID124., Conference: 2th International Conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism
Outra produção
- 2012, Aplicação para o Software Workrave, Software