
Rita Grácio

Rita Grácio


Rita Grácio is Assistant Professor at Lusófona University, teaching at undergraduate, masters and PhD level. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Exeter (UK), and an MA and BA in Sociology from the University of Coimbra (Portugal). As an integrated researcher at CICANT-Lusófona University, Rita Grácio takes part in several European-funded research projects, such as filmEU+ (HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-03/101136627), WIRE filmEU(HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-03, ref: 101136627), filmEU_RIT (H2020: 101035820), CresCine - Increasing the international competitiveness of the film industry in small European markets (HE; ref: 101094988), RestART Europe-Mentoring Second-chance Female Entrepreneurs to Restart the European Arts and Creative Sector (2021-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000029887), Cyanotypes- Strategic Skills for Creative Futures (ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO-BLUEPRINT, ref: 101056314), as well as in FCT funded projects, such as On & Off: atmospheres of dis/connection (2022.01282.PTDC). Rita Grácio has presented her research at several national and international conferences (ESA 2021, 2016, 2013, 2009; IAMCR 2021, among others), and has published book chapters and articles, either single or co-authored, on several outlets, such as Comunicazioni sociali, CLaW-Communication and Language at Work, Journal of Creative Industries and Cultural Studies (JOCIS), Museum International, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, among others. Her research interests are within the sociology of arts and culture, with a focus on CCI (Cultural and creative industries), cultural and creative production, audiences and arts consumption, technologies and sociotechnical mediations in arts, culture and creativity.


  • Licenciatura
    BA in Sociology
  • Mestrado
    MA in Sociology
  • Doutoramento
  • Outros
    Science Communication Summer Course
  • Outros
    Certified Trainer on Gender Equality
  • Outros
    Certificado de Competências Pedagógicas (CCP) EDF 500647/2009 DC


Journal issue

  • MAiA Editorial , 7
  • "The muSEAum: Water, Fire, Earth, Air" - thematic dossier

Journal article

  • 2022-12, The dark side of mindfulness: workplace socialization, neoliberalism and the self, Communication and Language at Work
  • 2022-05-15, muSEAum: branding e comunicação dos museus de mar de Portugal, Midas
  • 2022, The online communication of art-based education organisations working with underage refugees and migrants in Europe, Comunicazioni sociali : journal of media, performing arts and cultural studies
  • 2021, Mapping the Film and Audiovisual Sectors: A Research Agenda for the Future. , Journal of Creative Industries and Cultural Studies,
  • 2020-11-27, The Art of Feminist-Queering the Museum: Gate-leaking, Museum International
  • 2020-11-18, Museums working with older people in times of pandemic, Working with Older People
  • 2020-04, 'A public drawer': the blogosphere as colective space for socio-poetic practices [Uma gaveta mais pública: A blogosfera como espaço colectivo de práticas socio- poéticas, Cadernos de arte e antropologia
  • 2016-05-01, Daughters of Rock and Moms Who Rock: Rock Music as a Medium for Family Relationships in Portugal, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais
  • 2012-12-20, Poesia em rede: poesia portuguesa em blogues e sítios, Texto Digital

Thesis / Dissertation

  • 2018-07, PhD, Gender Distorting Genre Distorting Gender: Exploring Women's Rock Musicking Practices in Contemporary Portugal
  • 2010, Master, .mur.mur.(i)o. : poetas na blogosfera

Book chapter

  • 2024, The digital communication of religious organizations: a case study of a Muslim Mosque, Organizational Communication in the Digital Era, Palgrave Macmillan Book
  • 2024, The Creative is Critical: Critical Creative Methods for Post-Critical Event Studies, Creative Methods for Critical Event Studies (Eds.) Louise Platt, Rebecca Finkel e Briony Sharp, Routledge
  • 2021, Portuguese sea museums and the communication of maritime heritage in the 21st century, Martime Spaces, Brill
  • 2021, Literary maga/zines: Poem-Action and Togetherness, Independent DIY Publications and Underground Urban Cultures, Imprensa da Universidade do Porto
  • 2021, Creative cities and Poetry [Cidades Criativas e Poesia], Disruptive Visual Expression in the public space [Expressões visuais disruptivas no espaço público], Lusófona University Press
  • 2021, Being a 'young' social scientist without perishing in the stampede-academy [Ser jovem cientista social sem perecer na academia-turbilhão], Research and writing: Publish Without Perishing - Survive the Stampede [Investigação e escrita: Publicar Sem Perecer - Sobreviver ao Turbilhão], Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
  • 2020, Visitor survey at Sea Museums [Estudo de públicos em Museus de Mar], Digital Transformation in Museums [Transformação Digital em Museus: Experiência de Visitante e no Alcance do Brand [ISBN: 978-989-757-134-3], Lusófona University Press


  • 2023, D2.1. Continuous Skills Intelligence Gathering and Mapping Analysis- CYANOTYPES WP2 Strategic Skills for Creative Futures
  • 2022, Restarting Businesses in the Creative and Arts Industry through Mentorship-restART PR1-STATE OF R-ART,

Online resource

  • 2023, Module 2 for FilmEU MOOC - Interculturality in the Classroom,

Conference paper

  • The Digitalization of Maritime Heritage in Sea Museums, Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media, Kent School of Architecture and Planning
  • 'A gender of distortion': the gendering of rock music' s organisational culture" [“Um género de distorção: a genderização da cultura organizacional do rock amador em Portugal”, Mulheres, Mundos do Trabalho e Cidadania – Diferentes Olhares, Outras Perspetivas

Conference abstract

  • 2023-06-28, Everyday Parenting: Portuguese Families Dis/Engaging with/from Digital Technologies, The Datafied Family - Event & Call for Papers

Other output

  • 2019-05-10, Documentary "Ela é uma música", Collaborative participation in the writing of the documentary "Ela é uma música", directed by Francisca Marvão, and selected to the independent international film festival Indie Lisbon. Exhibited at São Jorge Cine-Theater, Lisbon.


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