
Class Sports Journalism

  • Presentation


    Sport has become a global phenomenon whose full understanding requires specialized study. In this curricular unit, students learn to know the history and specificities of the journalistic treatment of sport, with an emphasis on language and discursive practice in different media.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Sports: from leisure to high competition; the importance of ethics; passion and violence; professionalism and amateurism; and promoting equality between human beings. Knowledge of the history of sports journalism in Portugal; study of discursive languages or practices in the treatment of sport by journalists; improvement of news writing techniques, reports, interviews, debates, reports, analyzes, comments or opinions; and changes in the digital age.

  • Objectives


    After successfully completing the course, the student will better understand the importance of ethical values in sports and will have an integrated view of the effects of the passions generated by the competition; understand the decisive role of sport in promoting equality, by expanding the number of practitioners; and learn more about the reality of professional and amateur sport. This knowledge will be applied in the execution of works using different journalistic genres.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The teacher presents the essential questions of each part of the subject, often with examples, and, whenever possible, invites specialized lecturers or organizes study visits. Then, students prepare reports or news made outside of classes, with immediate correction by the teacher. The assessment takes for granted the rules on attendance to classes imposed by the school, in the continuous assessment regime, but distinguishes the greater or lesser attendance and the quality of the performance of students in class (45% of the final grade); and involves two works, one theoretical and one practical (20%+35%=55% of the final grade).

  • References


    • PINHEIRO, Francisco ¿ História da Imprensa Desportiva em Portugal. Porto : Edições Afrontamento, 2011. 480 p.
    • SOBRAL, L. & Magalhães, P. ¿ Introdução ao Jornalismo Desportivo. Lisboa : CENJOR e CNID. 1999. 128 p.


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