Universidade Lusófona (ULusófona) has a Candidate Support Service where information related to the application process to the University can be obtained and doubts about the Conditions of Access/entrance and type of application can be obtained.
The Application Process is carried out online without the need to visit the services of Universidade Lusófona.
However, all candidates wishing further clarification or assistance in the application process can contact us by email, or go to:
ULusófona - Lisbon University Center
- E-mail: siga@ulusofona.pt / info.cul@ulusofona.pt
- Tel: +351 217 515 500
- WhatsApp +351 963 640 100
- Open hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
- Campo Grande, 376
1749-024. Lisbon, Portugal
ULusófona - University Center Porto
- E-mail: candidaturas@ulusofona.pt / info.cup@ulusofona.pt
- Telef: +351 222 073 230
- WhatsApp: +351 961 135 355
- Open hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
- Rua Augusto Rosa, nº 24, (at Pç. da Batalha)
4000-098 Porto
This Service provides clarification and assistance to candidates wishing to attend Universidade Lusófona, Centro Universitário Lisboa, or Centro Universitário Porto, in order to apply accurately and safely, within the deadlines and application dates set out in the official calendar .
Start the Application Process
1 - If you have already chosen the Grade
2 - Choose the Application Type
Check the application calendar
3 - Watch the Tutorial
Or proceed to Application.
4 - Fill Application
Video Tutorials
Apply as an International Student
Apply via High School with national exams
Apply as an International Student with ENEM
Apply as holder of a dual certification and specialized artistic course
Register as an External Student
Apply as a Course Institution Change