With the recognised quality of education from the country's largest educational group, Lusófona University and the Polytechnic Institute of Lusophony, particularly through its executive school, Lusófona Executive School, and in partnership with a digital platform comprising various national companies and institutions, this course “Digital Transformation for Managers”, part of the Líder+ Digital programme, stands as a fundamental catalyst in empowering business managers and leaders. It enables them not only to understand but to effectively lead the journey of digital transformation within their organisations.
This programme is structured into carefully selected curricular units covering fundamental aspects of digital transformation, namely:
- Leadership in Digital Transformation: Develop adaptive leadership skills to guide teams through the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation.
- Customers: Creating Value from Digital Marketing to Customer Experience: Explore strategies to digitally engage customers, maximising value through personalised experiences.
- Innovation: in startups and large enterprises: Foster a culture of continuous innovation, adaptable both in startups and larger companies.
- Technologies: disruptive accelerators: Identify and apply disruptive technologies that can serve as catalysts for digital transformation.
- Data and Artificial Intelligence: a business asset: Utilise data and AI to drive decision-making based on insights, optimising processes and innovating in products/services.
This initiative is aimed at participants, regardless of their level of digital proficiency:
- Managers and company executives, business associations, and social economy entities;
- Senior technical staff with potential to develop leadership and management responsibilities.
Among the identified target audience, priority is given to those who represent:
- Underrepresented genders in managerial and executive roles, as provided for in the Labour Code;
- Managers and executives of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises as per Article 100 of the Labour Code.
Participants in this measure must submit a signed declaration from the top executive of their employer, certifying:
- The position and responsibilities held by these individuals.
- Authorisation from the top executive of the employer for the implementation of a digital transformation plan, created specifically with consideration for the size and digital maturity of the employer.
- The size of the employer (the number of employees in the staff).
- Authorisation from the top executive of the employer for the assessment/evaluation of the employer's digital maturity level.
If the top executive of the employer also wishes to benefit from this Measure, the attached declaration applies with a statement of honour.
- Empowering Digital Transformation: Equip managers to drive innovative digital transformation processes within their companies and organisations, focusing on economic sectors and social economy entities.
- Develop Digital Skills in Management: Provide a structured training pathway for participants to acquire and apply relevant digital skills in business management, using practical and interactive methodologies.
- Develop Strategic Action Plans: Enable participants to create personalised digital transformation action plans tailored to the digital maturity of their organisations, aiming for strategic impact.
- Assess and Adapt to Digital Maturity Levels: Allow managers to assess and diagnose the digital maturity level of their organisations, focusing on adapting digital strategies to the proficiency level of each reality.
- Apply Equal Opportunities Principles: Promote equal opportunities by prioritising the participation of managers of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, aligning with gender equality and inclusion policies.
This project not only equips leaders for effective digital transformation within their organisations but also promotes equal opportunities and contributes to the sustainable development of businesses and the social economy, aligning with emerging market needs and digital innovation policies.
Training Path
    Courses Duration (hours)   Introduction to Digital Transformation 12   Customers: creating value from Digital Marketing to Customer Experience 8   Innovation: in startups and large enterprises 8   Technologies: disruptive accelerators 8   Data and Artificial Intelligence: a business asset 8   Cybersecurity: challenges for various sectors:   Industry, Services, Retail, Financial,   among others 8   Workshop "Management and Digital Models: regulation models in the country, Europe, and globally" 4   Workshop "Digital Communication: Framing challenges for various sectors: Industry,   Services, Retail, Financial, among others" 4   Design/creation of digital transformation action plan(s) 16   Implementation of digital transformation action plan(s) 24
Pathway - Digital Transformation for Managers - Total of 100 hours
1st Edition – Hybrid Model
- Start: 14/01/2025
- End: 30/04/2025
- Timetable: Mondays and Thursdays – 19h30 to 22h30
2nd Edition - Hybrid Model
- Start: 10/02/2025
- End: 30/05/2025
- Timetable: Mondays and Thursdays – 19h30 to 22h30
3rd Edition - Hybrid Model
- Start: 01/28/2025
- End: 03/20/2025
- Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays - 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- Upon completing the training pathway, participants will receive the Training Certificate in accordance with applicable standards.
- The "Emprego + Digital 2025" Programme, encompassing the "Líder + Digital" Measure, is funded by the PRR, within the scope of Investment TD-C16-I01 - Companies 4.0: Digital Empowerment of Companies Measure 02 - "Emprego + Digital 2025".
Enroll in Líder + Digital Programme
For more information, interested parties should contact EVA - Internships, Active Life, and Lifelong Learning at Universidade Lusófona via email: