
Class Theories of Journalism

  • Presentation


    In Theories of Journalism, the roots of university studies in the area of journalism are sought, the concept of journalistic objectivity is analyzed and the power of journalism and journalists is discussed. The goal is to unveil the backstage of the media and deconstruct the path that information takes until it becomes news. The contemporary crisis of journalism and its implications for the future of the profession and democracy will be debated throughout the semester.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. From roots to theories
    1.1. Historical context of the emergence of media studies
    1.2. Theories about media and journalism
    1.2.1. The mirror theory
    1.2.2. The gatekeeper theory
    1.2.3. Organizational theory
    1.2.4. The agenda-setting theory
    1.2.5. Constructivist theories
    1.2.5. The news criteria
    1.3. The «strategic ritual» of objectivity

    2. The power of journalism
    2.1. The «natural history» of Media Theory
    2.2. The ideological nature of news in the press
    2.3. Media: «instrument of powers», «fourth power» or «counterpower»?
    2.4. Reconfiguring the power of the media and the influence of the internet

    3. The power of journalists
    3.1. The journalist's place in political and media apparatus
    3.2. Journalism within the communication professions
    3.3. The journalistic field
    3.4. Autonomy and independence of the journalist

    4. The Future of Journalism
    4.1. The crisis or the crises?
    4.2. Journalism and Democracy
    4.3. New journalistic theories

  • Objectives


    Provide tools to deconstruct journalistic reality that enable students with an analytical look at media production. Make the main Theories of Journalism known and debate issues such as objectivity, power in the media sphere and the future of journalism.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Analysis of practical cases, which allow the perception of the theoretical concepts taught during the semester.

  • References


    Amaral, A., Montardo, S., & Recuero (Eds.). (2009). Blogs.Com: Estudos sobre blogs e comunicação. Momento Editorial.

    Bourdieu, P. (1997). Sobre a Televisão. Celta.

    Correia, J. C. (2011). O Admirável Mundo das Notícias. LabCom Books.

    Fowler-Watt, K., & Allan, S. (Eds.). (2013). Journalism: New Challenges. Bournemouth University.

    Hanitzsch, T., & Wahl-Jorgensen, K. (Eds.). (2020). The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Routledge.

    Kovach, B., & Rosenstiel, T. (2004). Os Elementos do Jornalismo. Porto Editora.

    McQuail, D. (2003). Teoria da Comunicação de Massas. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

    Mesquita, M. (2004). O Quarto Equívoco. MinervaCoimbra.

    Peters, C., & Broersma, M. J. (Eds.). (2013). Rethinking journalism: Trust and participation in a transformed news landscape. Routledge.

    Traquina, N. (Ed.). (1993). Jornalismo: Questões, Teorias e «Estórias». Vega.

    Traquina, N. (2002). Jornalismo. Quimera.

    Traquina, N (2005). Teorias do Jornalismo. Insular.

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