
Class Sociology of Territory

  • Presentation


    The U.C. seeks to create knowledge production and intervention skills in the organization and dynamics of territories and their population, namely through theoretical and analytical, open and multidimensional approaches to sustainable development and social cohesion.

    Approaches that interconnect the economy and society, the quality of life of people and the environment, local, regional, national and global levels, politics, public administration and culture, identities and belongings.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Presentation of the uc: planned learning and assessment strategies

    2.Economy, territory and population: concept of territory, environment and sustainable development

    3.Morphology of space and administration: local, regional and national

    4. Rural and urban: forms of ownership and organization

    5. Territorial cohesion: Center and periphery, diversity, integration and exclusion, urban and rural

    6. Territorial ordering: changes and policies

    7. Decentralization and regionalization: winners and losers

    8.Environment, agriculture and industry: impacts and climate change

    9. Sustainable development and learning: growth and development

    10.Local development: Planning and strategies

    11.Territory and innovation: Strategic intelligence and knowledge societies

    12. Exclusion from "empowerment": Changes and alternative development

    13. Territorial governance: Strategies of actors and territory

    14. International agendas: Sustainable development indicators

    15. Public policies for Portugal






  • Objectives


    The UC seeks to bring together the learning conditions of a set of theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills for the analysis and management of territorial dynamics, understanding and analysis of the social, economic and environmental structures of the territories to understand their dynamics and skills for ... and manage actions that mobilize specific responses, namely in the field of development.

    Skills to design, execute and manage sustainable development projects, which respond to needs and promote proposals for improving living conditions in different territories, with the participation of different social actors.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Active adult education methods will be used, namely: a) classroom debates; b) viewing of online videos followed by debate; c) group exercises in the classroom, using the websites of the Portuguese governmental bodies and European Commission.
  • References


    • Baptista, F.O. (2010). O Espaço Rural. Declínio da Agricultura, Oeiras, Celta

    • Covas, A. (2018). A Grande Transformação dos Territórios. Olhares Cruzados sobre as Mutações do nosso Tempo, Lisboa, Sílabo

    • Ferrão, J. (2011). O Ordenamento do Território como Política Pública, Lisboa, F.C. Gulbenkian
    • Ferreira, A.F. (2005). Gestão Estratégica de Cidades e Regiões, Lisboa, F.C.Gulbenkian
    • Stiglitz, J, J. e Bruce, E. e Greenwald, C. (2017). Por uma Sociedade de Aprendizagem. Repensar o Crescimento, o Desenvolvimento e o Comércio Livre, Lisboa, Bertrand Ed.


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