
Class Space Anthropology

  • Presentation


    This course aims to gather scientific knowledge and ethnographic tools that allow the identification and analysis of contemporary representations of Space. The syllabus covers the technical mutations, social contexts and relational dynamics that build up Space as a field of action: from macro-processes, such as globalization and generalized acceleration, to micro-links, such as the heterotopic and the particular, passing through pressing issues such as the impact of human action on Earth. Analysis, reflection and debate are promoted on the local and translocal processes that mark contemporaneity, along with the seminal impulses that actively contributed to the real and symbolic construction of space.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The Anthropological Space.
      1. The origins of Human and the Anthropotechnics (Leroi-Gourhan; Simondon; Burroughs).
      2. Fundamentals of Anthropology and the anthropological turn in Arts (Malinowski; Foster).
      3. The interpersonal and intercultural space (Hall).
      4. From the anthropological place to the non-places of Supermodernity (Augé).
    2.  The transformations of space.
      1. The mutations of space (Foucault; Miranda).
      2. The acceleration of processes (Valéry; Benjamin; Virilio).
      3. Cinema, Media and the mobilization for experience (Benjamin; Bruno, Bolter & Grusin).
    3. Space of absolute networks
      1. The figure of the globe and the flows of circulation (Sloterdijk; Appadurai).
      2. Grids, meshes and networks: ‘Reassembling of the Social’ (Latour)

    Earth and the New Climate Regime (Latour): the ‘Nature to be made’ (Sloterdijk)

  • Objectives


    General Learning Objectives:

    Relate theoretical knowledge: analyse, categorize and compare the contents of this subject.

    Know the specificities of a research anchored to anthropology as a field of study.

    Understand the mode of existence of the urban space and the functioning of the networks that constitute it.

    Stimulate the critical reflection on contemporaneity.


    Expected outcomes (indicators):

    Develop skills in scientific research: identification, selection, justification and validation of ideas.

    Identify concepts in reference works and develop further readings.

    Essay writing, scientifically anchored and parameterized according to academic standards.

    Realize experiences in visual illustrations (scale models and/or drawings).

    Critically discuss the contemporaneity, correlating the acquired knowledge.

    Apply knowledge and anthropological tools in transdisciplinary research projects.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Theoretical UC, of an expository nature, which encourages the debate of ideas in class and the preparation of a practical exercise that brings theory closer to the field of sound technologies. The contents are published on moodle at the start of the semester to allow for continuous learning.

  • References


    Augé, M. (2007 [1992]). Não-Lugares: Introdução a uma antropologia da sobremodernidade. Lisboa: 90º. AE/334 – BC

    Appadurai, A. ([1996] 2005), Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalisation. University of Minnesota Press

    Foster, H. (1996). ‘The Artist As Ethnographer’ in The Return of the Real. MIT Press. ART/471 - BC

    Foucault, M.([1984] 2005). ‘Outros Espaços’. in RCL 34/35. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água. AQ/667 – BC

    Hall, E.([1966] 1986). A Dimensão Oculta. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água. S/41 – ER

    Latour, B. ([2015] 2017). Facing Gaia: Eight Lectures on the New Climate Regime. Polity Press

    Simondon, G. (2015 [1958]) On the mode of existence of technical objects. Univocal.

    Virilio, P. ([1995] 2000). A Velocidade de libertação.Lisboa: Relógio d'Água.


    Nota:  cotas da Biblioteca Victor de Sá - ULHT

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