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Disciplina Animação Stopmotion

  • Apresentação


    The goal of this course is to introduce a variety of stop motion animation techniques, along with familiarising the students with the use of Dragon frame program, manual camera settings, as well as learning the basics of lighting and framing. The students gain theoretical and piratical knowledge of paper cut out animation, claymation, pixelation, sand animation, puppet construction and puppet animation. In addition, they also learn 3d environment building, framing and lighting for a 2 and 3 dimensional set. The aim is to familiarise the students with the material quality and physicality of the stop motion techniques, in order to show them the potentials of these traditional animation techniques in contemporary contexts.

  • Conteúdos Programáticos

    Conteúdos Programáticos

    1. Intro to Stop motion animation;

    2. Intro to puppet making;

    3. Puppet making part two;

    4. Puppet making part three;

    5. Cut-out animation part one;

    6. Cut-out animation part two;

    7. Clay animation (and pixelation intro);

    8. Sand animation;

    9. Workshop in Montemor;

    10. Camera angles and cinematography;

    11. Intro to puppet animation;

    12. Puppet animation part 2;

    13. Puppet animation part three;

    14 and 15. Final project - 1 min animation in the technique of choice.

  • Objetivos


    The course is structured in a way to accommodate the needs of both experienced and less-experienced students who are trying these techniques for the first time. By the end of the course, they will gain a better overview and understanding of what these stop motion animation techniques can offer, along with theoretical and basic practical knowledge in each techniques. They will also gain basic skills and understanding of how to design and build an affordable, functional puppet, by using and combining a range of inexpensive and accessible materials. The students will develop a deeper understanding of the production processes and requirements involved in these stop motion techniques, along with the basic toolkit and skills to further immerse or specialise in a chosen technique.

  • Metodologias de ensino e avaliação

    Metodologias de ensino e avaliação

    This course embraces cooperative, group learning and visual based learning, where the focus is on the skills that the students learn by practice. Rather than providing pure theoretical guidelines and insisting on perfectionism, the course focuses on enhancing the students' problem solving skills, encourages experiments and doesn't consider failure as a negative outcome.

  • Bibliografia principal

    Bibliografia principal

    Lord, Peter and Sibley, Bryan. Crakcking Animation: The Aardman Book of 3D Animation. Thames & Hudson; Fourth edition, 2015.

    Priebe, Ken A. The Advanced Art of Stop Motion Animation. Cengage Learning, 2010.

    Purves, Barry. Stop-motion. Laussane, Switzerland: AVA Publishing, 2010.
    — — —.
    Stop Motion: Passion, Process and Performance. Amsterdam, London: Elsevier/Focal, 2008.

    Shaw, Susanna. Stop Motion: Craft Skills for Model Animation. Focal Press 2004.



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