
Class Rethoric

  • Presentation


    Mergulhando nos ensinamentos da eloquente Grécia Antiga – nas suas raízes histórico-políticas e fundações teóricas –, a disciplina de Retórica emerge no presente para descrever e interpretar os seus fins, natureza e práticas na Política e na Cultura contemporâneas, marcadas pela mediação de uma insaciável máquina comunicacional e uma Pólis aumentada e fragmentada.

    Teoria e praxis, ciência e técnica, a Retórica será redescoberta sob essa original duplicidade constitutiva: enquanto estudo das condições e mecanismos da “persuasão” e como oratória – a prática contextual dessa arte de persuadir uma audiência, por meio do discurso e da argumentação, de narrativas e imagens.

    Trata-se de exercitar uma capacidade analítica sobre “o poder da frase cintilante” (Pasternak), que deveio na modernidade “poder de napalm” (Dorothy Day) e se converteu como “vírus que atingiu uma situação permanente no hóspede” (William Burroughs).

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Fundamentals and Objectives of Rhetoric

    Rhetoric, Athenian Democracy and Public Space

    Rhetoric as Art and Techné

    Plato's Rhetoric: Psychagogy

    Rhetoric according to Aristotle. the persuasion


    2. The nature and architecture of speech

    The organization of speech

    The New Rhetoric


    3. Speeches that have marked history


    Metaphor and story telling


    4. Contemporary speech practices: Rhetoric, today

    Discourse as a mechanism of influence and combat in public space

    The mediatization. Sound bites and punch lines

    Spin doctors and speech writing: the new logographers


    5. The Oratory.

    Discourse as performance

    Pragmatic and behavioral dimensions of discursive practices


    6. Analysis of Cases and Practical Projects

  • Objectives


    1. Provide a solid conceptual framework on the origins, purposes and nature of Rhetoric, and its mutations, techniques and practices today.

    2. Describe and understand the philosophical and political dichotomies of Rhetoric, from Ancient Greece to the present, establishing relationships between Democracy and Public Space, Politics and Opinion, and these with the objectives of persuasion and influence.

    3. Train for technical/applied knowledge and critical competence of the linguistic and extralinguistic mechanisms of the persuasive effectiveness of public discourses, both in terms of their construction and performance, as well as their stylistic, narrative, imagery and symbolic resources.

    4. Provide students with a formative cultural background on speeches and speakers that have marked the course of history, politics and thought.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    1) Adoption of strategies for active student participation in the classroom context, through joint analysis and group discussion of a "case study" (e.g., an example of speech, a communication crisis situation or journalistic treatment).
    2) Programming special sessions with experts in the classroom context, namely politicians or journalists, allowing students to interact freely and directly with them.

  • References


    ARISTÓTELES, Retórica, Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, Lisboa, 1998

    BARTHES, Roland, “A Retórica Antiga. Memorandum”, in A Aventura Semiológica, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1987

    CARRILHO, Manuel Maria, org., Retórica e Comunicação, Lisboa, Edições Asa, 1994.

    PERELMAN, Chaim, O Império Retórico, Porto, Edições Asa, 1993

    PLATÃO, Górgias, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1991.

    PLATÃO, Fedro, Lisboa, Guimarães Editores, 1994.

    REBOUL, Olivier, Introdução à Retórica, São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2004.

    THOMSON, Oliver, Uma História da Propaganda, Lisboa, Temas & Debates, 2020.

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