
Class Epistemology of Communication

  • Presentation


    Placed at very beginning of the studes cycle, the UC intends to address clear insufficiencies showed by recent generations of students on the construction of critical thinking processes, argumentation¿s abilities and clearness of expression both oral and written on a academical level. It¿s also a goal to give students basic knowledges on epistemology and philosophy of the sciences, namely social and communication sciences. Students are also given an overall perspective of the main epistemic issues on the communication sciences field of investigation, both classic theories and contemporary study trends.


  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Reflexive and critical thought. Doxa/Episteme/Argument and Opinion

    Introductory notes on Epistemology and Knowledge Theory

    Epistemology and Philosophy of the Science

    Theoretical modalities of knowledge (Induction, Deduction/Abduction/Metaphor)

    The place of theorizing and methodological techniques of research

    Knowledge, Truth and Reality

    Some aspects of Epistemology of Communication

    Notes on Journalism and Journalists¿ epistemology

  • Objectives


    Students should get:

    - an overall view of epistemology and epistemic problems.

    - the distinction between opinion and argument

    -  the distinction between the scientific and the doxastic approaches to a problem or question.

    -  get the perception of Communication as a scientific field of research

    - be able of build an argument critically considering the inherent counterarguments.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Students are encouraged to carry out their own research in formulating epistemic problems, with both common sense and metaphysical epistemologies being valued throughout the semester. The final evaluation consists of the oral critical presentation of a work (individually or in a group of no more than three people) corresponding to 40% of the classification, submission via Moodle of the final written version of this work (maximum length of 5 pp. of text, Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spaces The remaining 20% ¿¿corresponds to the quality of class participation.

  • References


    CHÂTELET, F. (1993 [1992]). Uma História da Razão. Lx: Presença.

    GOLDMAN, A.I. (2011). O que é a crença justificada?. In Crítica na Rede. Em www.criticanarede

    KANT, I. (sd [1784]). Resposta à pergunta: O que é o Iluminismo? Em

    KUHN, T. S. (2013 [1962.1970]). A estrutura das revoluções científicas. São Paulo: Perspectiva.

    LISBOA, S. & BENETTI, M. (2015). O jornalismo como crença verdadeira justificada. In Brazilian Journalism Research (11 nº 2). (10-29).

    MEDITSCH, Eduardo (1997). O jornalismo é uma forma de conhecimento?. In BOCC.

    PEREIRA, R. (2019). Pensar em tempos de não-pensamento. Notas para uma analítica do brutal na contemporaneidade. Coimbra: Grácio Editor.

    TEIXEIRA, C. (2013). Epistemologia. In P. Galvão (org.), Filosofia. Lx: Ed. 70 (pp. 99-142).

    TRUNCELLITO, D. A. (2016). Epistemology. In Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

    VALDETTARO, S. (2015). Epistemología de la comunicación: una introducción crítica (e-book).  Rosario :Universidad Nacional de Rosario.

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