
Class Construction of a Research Project

  • Presentation


    This UC, interdisciplinary to the entire master's course, favors the active involvement of students, selecting methodologies and planning research instruments appropriate to the investigative needs inherent to their professional contexts
  • Code


  • Syllabus



    Planning a research project: updating the bibliography, the theoretical framework, choosing the methodology, collecting and analyzing data, scheduling.

    Reflection on the different aspects of the research project.

  • Objectives


    Apply the knowledge acquired in UC Research methodologies;
    Develop your research program;
    Structure the presentation of a research project;
    Apply research methodologies taking into account the context of the study;
    Reveal skills that allow learning lifelong research methodologies;
    To be able to communicate their knowledge and well-founded reflections to different interlocutors
    Produce individual work, applying the concepts and theories learned throughout the UC.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The methodologies include the presentation and discussion of master's projects prepared at the UC Research Methodologies, being reformulated at this stage, encompassing different methodological paths. The presentation of projects, in accordance with the evaluation criteria explained below, encompasses the critical analysis and contributions of the public debate
  • References


    Nesta UC a bibliografia será recomendada pelo docente responsável, interligando bibliografia específica de cada UC. A seleção bibliográfica será concretizada tendo em conta a temática, os objetivos da investigação e a metodologia adotada em cada projeto de investigação

    Bell, J. (2008). Como realizar um projeto de investigação. Gradiva.

    Creswell, J. W.& Plano Clark, V. L. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. (2nd.) Sage

    Flick, U. (2005). Métodos Qualitativos na Investigação Científica (2.ª ed.). Monitor.

    Santos, B. S. (2000). A crítica da razão indolente. Contra o desperdício da inteligência. Afrontamento.

    Silverman. D. (2013). Doing Qualitative research: a practical handbook. Los Angeles, Sage.

    Stake, R. (2016). A Arte da Investigação com Estudos de Caso (2.ª ed.). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

    Thietart, R-A. (Org) (2001). Doing Management Research . a comprehensive guide. London: SAGE.


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