
Class Supervision, Training and Professional Development

  • Presentation



    The relevance of this UC is in the fact that it is possible to provide the students with the appropriation of professional instruments, to act efficiently as supervisors in their professional contexts, respecting ethical and democratic principles.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Current perspectives of supervision and professional training
    1.1. Vocational training contexts and models
    1.2. Supervision as a context of professional training
    1.3. Self and heteroforming: reflection and collaboration among peers
    2. Supervision and professional development
    2.1. Construction processes and development of professional identity
    2.2. Supervision and ecological transitions
    2.3. Influence of supervision on training and professional development
    3. Exercise of supervision in the educational community
    3.1. The role and skills of the community supervisor
    3.2. Collaborative supervision and teacher development
    3.3. Quality (s) and supervision constraints
    3.4. Pedagogical supervision as a practice of transformation.
  • Objectives


    To know how to characterize and analyze supervision in 21st century education, in terms of training and professional development;
    Take ownership of different models of professional training, considering diverse contexts;
    Relate pedagogical supervision with training and professional development;
    Problem the influence of supervisory ecological transitions in educational processes and contexts of professional development;
    Analyze the functions of the supervisor in professional, individual and collective development;
    Appropriate strategies and instruments necessary to exercise the functions of supervisor;
    Being able to communicate their knowledge and reasoned reflections to different interlocutors in the classroom;
    Produce individual and group work, applying the concepts and theories learned throughout the UC.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment


    At U.C. teaching methodologies favor mixed teaching models, concretely expository, collaborative and critical. The classes will be theoretical-practical, including theoretical and conceptual foundation, reading and analysis of scientific articles and excerpts from reference works, analysis of case studies and debate. Collaborative work will be carried out in small and large groups, with active and critical participation by the Master's students. The individual work, to be presented in the form of a scientific article, will focus on an issue related to the theme of the U.C. It will include theoretical framework, collection and analysis of data and conclusions, in properly structured text, with a maximum length of 12 pages. The final evaluation will result from the consideration of the following criteria: participation in classroom group work and debates, 40%, and individual work, 60%.

  • References


    Alarcão, I., & Canha, M. (2013). Supervisão e colaboração: Uma relação para o desenvolvimento. Porto: Porto Editora.

    Alarcão, I., & Roldão, M. C. (2010). Supervisão. Um contexto de desenvolvimento profissional dos professores (2ª ed.). Mangualde: Ed. Pedago.

    Bamber, Ph. M. & Jane, C.M. (Eds). (2017). Teacher education in challenging times: lessons for professionalism, partnership and practice. Oxon (OX) : Routledge.

    Day, C. (2001). Desenvolvimento profissional de professores. Porto: Porto Editora.

    Formosinho, J., Machado, J., & Mesquita, E. (2015). Formação, trabalho e aprendizagem. Lisboa: Ed. Sílabo.

    Moreira, M. A. (2015). A supervisão pedagógica como prática de transformação: O lugar das narrativas profissionais. Revista Eletrónica de Educação, 9, (3) 48-63.


    Pawlas, G., & Oliva, P. (2007). Issues in Supervision.  Supervision for Today´s Schools ( ed., pp. 32-77). Indianapolis: Wiley & Jossey-Bass Éducation.

  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    Maria de Nazaré Coimbra

    sexta feira das 17h ás 18h

    sala 02



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