
Class Municipalities and Education

  • Presentation


    The relevance of this UC lies in the fact that students learn to critically analyze the legal framework of the municipalities' educational action, in the field of relations between schools and local authorities
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The recent evolution of the regulatory framework for educational action in municipalities
    1.1 Conflicts and conformity in the decentralization of competences.
    2. The relationship between the central administration and the municipalities in terms of education
    2.1 From equality to differentiation: mitigated decentralization and new public educational policies.2.2 Characteristics and ambiguities of educational territorialization
    3. The current phase of transfer of educational skills and the relationship with schools
    3.1 The State and local authorities in the regulation of educational policies, contractualization and differentiation.
    3.2 The relationship between municipalities and schools, the charter and the school network
    3.3 Municipalities and educational decision-making bodies and municipal education councils
    4. The logic of municipal educational mobilization
    4.1 The market and the “social”
  • Objectives


    No final desta UC os estudantes serão capazes de:
    -Saber analisar criticamente o quadro legal da ação educacional dos municípios, no domínio das relações entre as escolas e as autarquias;
    -Saber explicar a construção das lógicas de mobilização educacional municipal;
    -Saber analisar criticamente os principais modelos organizacionais que os apoiam, tendo em conta o quadro de poderes e competências dos municípios;
    -Planificar, coordenar e avaliar medidas de política educativa de âmbito local e municipal, nomeadamente ao nível da relação entre câmaras municipais e escolas;
    -Ser capaz de comunicar os seus conhecimentos e reflexões fundamentados a diferentes interlocutores em sala de aula;
    -Produzir trabalho individual e de grupo, com aplicação dos conceitos e teorias compreendidas ao longo da UC.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The methodology is based on 3 types of work: assistance and active participation in classes; carrying out and presenting individual research work and participation in group work on topics related to the professional experience of the respective members or others proposed by the teacher. The use of analysis of examples of pertinent municipal educational interventions will be promoted, as well as of decisions or measures taken by local or central administration. It will also promote, through ICTs, access to diversified sources of information (municipal websites and institutional reports, public and private, on the themes under analysis). In the classes, concepts will be presented, relationships will be exemplified, topics will be discussed and individual and group work will be carried out. The evaluation has two components: an individual written work (60%) and participation in classes and group written work (40%).
  • References


    Folque, A. (2004). A Tutela Administrativa nas Relações entre o Estado e os Municípios (condicionalismos constitucionais). Coimbra  Editora.

    Machado, J. & Alves, M. (2014). Municípios território e Educação. A Administração local da Educação e da Formação. Universidade Católica. E-Boock.

    Martins, J. (2007). O Papel dos Municípios na Construção das Políticas Educativas. Tese  Doutoramento. FPCE (policopiado).

    Martins, J. (2009). O municipalismo educativo: entre o Estado e o Mercado? In Amaral, A. et alli, Org.), Ideias para Grandes Decisões. Campo da Comunicação.

    Martins, J. & Gouveia, J. (2018). Educar, Presente e Futuro. O Projeto Educativo Municipal. Edição CM Paços Ferreira. 

    Sarmento, M. (2000). Lógicas de Acção nas Escolas. IIE/ME

  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    Teresa de Jesus  Santos

    sextas feiras das 17 às 18h








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