
Class Espaço Público, Mobilizações e Ativismo

  • Presentation


    This UC aims to consolidate concepts and theories that allow analyzing the relations of communication, media, event, collective mobilizations and social movements with the Public Space, in their different approaches, and with the publics. For this, the theories of the Public Space are revisited, which will allow its problematization in articulation with the teories of social movements. One and the other acquire new shifters that must be analyzed from the point of view of the new media and the mutations of the communication with the digital action in network.

    Aimed at students oriented to research, the UC is a curricular space where they can measure and test essential concepts: Public Space, Media, social movements, activisms. Interconnected, these notions are presented as an unfolding of theoretical configurations apparently stabilized in the last century and which require new readings and discussion today, especially when viewed from the perspective of network activism.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I Public space
    1 Philosophical, sociological and communicational theories of the Public Space (Habermas, Dewey, Arendt, Park, Joseph, Quéré, Fraser)
    2 ‘Topical’ and ‘Metatopic’ Common Space
    3 Public space, networks and atopic living

    4 Plural model and alternative public spaces
    5 New media and the impact of technological mediations in the public space

    II Social movements and activism
    1 Classical and Contemporary Paradigms
    2 From pre-modern to modern movements
    3 From New Social Movements to network mobilizations
    4 From network activism to inorganic movements

    III Public space, mobilizations and network activism
    1 Digital social networks and new forms of activism and  mobilization. Collective action and connected action
    2 New experiences of participation, new repertoires and audiences
    3 Aesthetics of public space. “Aesthetic” mobilizations and new relationships between urban space and civic actions
    4 Re-appropriation of public space (occupation, invasion, contamination)

  • Objectives


    Enable the student to acquire concepts and theories for analytical, critical and application purposes. To develop the ability to confront theories and concepts, critical discussion, application of concepts and theoretical frameworks to empirical objects and a corpus for research. Capacitate to design strategies to study public spaces, media and events in terms of work programs and research projects.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The type of methodology adopted is theoretical-practical. using expository, demonstrative and active methods (research learning). The expository method is used to introduce and present concepts and theories, using the demonstrative when selecting and presenting case studies that allow for theories, concepts and their application. Empirical cases will be presented for analysis and discussion purposes. The expository methodology is heuristic in relation to the texts: the theoretical presentation will be alternated and crossed with discussion, critical analysis and debate based on the reading of previously selected texts

  • References


    Arendt, H. (1988). La condition de l'homme moderne, Paris:Calmann-Levy

    Bennett, W.L.& Segerberg, A. (2012). “The logic of connective action”, Information, Communication & Society, 15:5, 739-768

    Della Porta, D. & Diani, M. (2020). Social movements. An Introduction. 3ed. New Jersey:Wiley-Blackwell.

    Di Felice; Pereira; Roza (orgs.) (2017). Net-ativismo. Redes digitais e novas práticas de participação. Papirus Editora

    Earl, J. & Kimport, K. (2011). Digitally enabled social change: Activism in the internet age. Cambridge: MIT Press

    Fraser, N. (2003). “Repenser l’espace public”, in Renault, E. e Sintomer, Y. (dir.) Où en est la théorie critique? Paris: La Découverte

    Habermas, J. (2012).A transformação estrutural da esfera pública, Lisboa:F.Calouste Gulbenkian

    Taylor, C. (2006),  Imaginarios sociales modernos. Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica

    Tilly, C. & Tarrow, S. (2006). Contentious Politics. Paradigm Publishers.

    Rouet, G. (dir.) (2013). Mobilisations citoyennes dans l’espace public. Paris: L’Harmattan


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