
Class Biomaterials

  • Presentation


    This course allows the introduction and critical evaluation of the most relevant aspects related to the development of Biomaterials and their uses in applications in various areas.
    It is intended that students acquire the theoretical (basic / specific) knowledge that allows them to understand all multidisciplinary approaches involved in the development and use of biomaterials. These approaches focus on the mutual structure-property-application relationships of biomaterials: synthesis, processing, characterization, properties, applications, biocompatibility and interactions with biological systems, bioactive substance delivery systems and nanotechnologies.
    Laboratory skills are further developed through the execution of experimental laboratory work / projects and the assistance / participation in laboratory demonstrations. 

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Theoretical component: Introduction to biomaterials; Historical perspective on the development of biomaterials and their applications; Types of biomaterials: key applications and most relevant properties; methodologies for characterization and analysis of biomaterials. Metal biomaterials, ceramics, polymers, composites; Biomaterials / devices for soft tissue and hard tissue applications; hydrogels; systems for the release of bioactive substances; Nanobiomaterials. Recycling biomaterials

    Theoretical-practical component: presentation and evaluation of case studies; problem solving.

    Laboratory component: involves the tutorial supervision of predetermined tasks/projects, dealing with the synthesis, processing and characterization of specific biomaterials/devices. Students will be organized in groups and will develop a complete laboratory project throughout the semester

  • Objectives


    The course introduces and inculcates the basic principles associated with the most relevant aspects related to the design, production and characterization of Biomaterials and their application in different areas. It is intended that students know and memorize basic concepts and interpret their meaning. From this base, it seeks to build the necessary knowledge that allows them to understand and describe the multidisciplinary approaches involved in the preparation, characterization, development and use of biomaterials. These approaches focus on the structure-ownership-application mutual relationships of biomaterials: synthesis, processing, characterization, properties, applications, biocompatibility and interactions with biological systems

    Students should be able to discuss and evaluate the choice and use of biomaterials for specific applications. Based on the laboratory component, students should be able to create some biomaterials, such as hydrogels, and test their applicability

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Use of active methodologies, in particular provision of material prior to the class through platforms such as Moodle, with basic guidance on the subject. The referred materials include videos, audios, infographics, among others. Later in class, students ask questions, discuss the subject and compare answers Presentation and discussion of case studies, problem solving, individually or in groups, to encourage interaction and team spirit


    Continuous Evaluation:

    P1 - weighted average of two components: average of 2 tests or global frequency performed in the semester (80%) + presentation of a seminar (20%): 60% of the final grade

    P2 - based on scientific report, behavior in class and discussion: 40% of the final grade.

    The minimum passing grade for P1 and P2 is 10 points.


    If the student does not obtain approval by continuous assessment, the student can take an exam  with a minimum grade of 10 to pass

  • References


    • HASIRCI, V., HASIRCI, N. - Fundamentals of Biomaterials (1st ed.). New York: Springer, 2018. Hardcover. (ISBN: 978-1-4939-8854-9)
    • AGRAWAL, C.M., Ong, J.L., Appleford, M.R., Mani, G. - Introduction to Biomaterials: Basic Theory with Engineering Applications. (1st ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. Hardcover.(ISBN: 978-0521116909)


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