
Class Leisure Time Management

  • Presentation


    The UC has as main objective the understanding of free time in its historical and cultural process, as na achievement and assigned right. It focuses on preparing students to create and organize leisure activities, not only as recreation, but also, fundamentally, as an important informal moment of personal and social development. In this sense, the syllabus is organized in order to develop a critical and reflective spirit in various artistic, cultural and social manifestations, with a focus on planning, organizing and carrying out activities on integration and interaction, social responsibility, inclusion, leisure and learning, that deal with topics of a common theme. 

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    • The time of work and free time. 
    • The social function of work and free time
    • Cultural activities as form of personal and social development in the leisure occupation.
    • Typology of recreational and leisure activities
    • Organization of cultural events: Theatre, cinema, conferences, visits to museums, etc.
    • Promote the critical and reflective spirit with regard to the various artistic manifestations. 
  • Objectives


    1. Distinguish the social function of work and free time;
    2. Interpreting cultural activities as a way of development on the leisure occupation;
    3. Be able to organize leisure time occupation activities. 
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Methodologies of teaching structure in lectures and theoretical-practical. In lectures, makes up the framework of problems of discipline with the support of different didactic tools: power point, videos, texts, iconographic sources of support, encouraging the students to participate in reflection and debate of ideas as well as in the understanding and conceptual reflection of themes. Theoretical and practical classes will be the thematic content of the program worked, having students prepare texts and oral presentations. The evaluation serves as the regulatory process-learning education and presents a formative dimension and global: assessing not only the products but also the processes and resources. We intend to work with individual and group make the application of knowledge. Evaluation: individual work-50; Group project-organization of a cultural activity of leisure-occupation: 50.

  • References


    • Bacal, S. (1988). Lazer: teoria e pesquisa. São Paulo: Edições Loyola. Bacal.
    • Canário, R. (2019). Aprender sem ser ensinado. A importância estratégica da educação não formal. in. Lima, A; Pacheco, M; Canário, R. (Eds), A educação em Portugal (1986-2006). Alguns contributos de investigação. Lisboa: Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação, pp.195-254.
    • Dumazedier, J. (1994). A revolução cultural do tempo livre. São Paulo: Studio Nobe.
    • Dumazedier, J. (1999). Sociologia empírica do Lazer. São Paulo: Perspectiva.
    • Huertas, F. (1996). O Método PES: entrevista com Matus. São Paulo, Fundap.  
    • Neto, C. (1997). O jogo e o desenvolvimento da criança. Lisboa: Edições FMH.
    • Patrício, M. (2019). Educação Formal, não formal e informal. in: (Eds.), Literacias Cívicas e críticas: refletir e praticar. Braga, CECS.
    • Valente, J. C. (2010). Para a História dos Tempos Livres em Portugal. Da FNAT à INATEL (1935-2010). Lisboa: Edições Colibri e INATEL.


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