Provide the student with the knowledge necessary to understand the fundamental elements of semiconductor electronics. Study of the basic circuits of electronics: circuits with diodes (rectifiers, limiters, peak detector, fasteners, voltage multipliers, voltage regulators, etc.); circuits with the bipolar junction transistor (amplifiers, switching circuits, current sources, etc.); circuits with operational amplifiers (inverter and / or non-inverter amplifier, summing amplifier, difference amplifier, integrating amplifier and differentiating amplifier).
Class from course
Class from course
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Bachelor | Semestral | 6.5
Year | Nature | Language
Year | Nature | Language
2 | Mandatory | Português
Prerequisites and corequisites
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable
Professional Internship
Professional Internship
Signals and amplifiers; Types of Amplifiers; Voltage, current and power gain; Bandwidth. Models. OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Operation. Modes of operation: linear and saturation. Inverter and non-inverter amplifier, inverter and non-inverter adder, difference amplifier, integrator and differentiator. Bandwidth. Main feature. Not ideal characteristics. JUNCTION DIODE PN: Symbology. Physical structure. Semiconductor basics. Characteristic V-I. Diode circuit analysis: diode models. The zener diode: characteristic V-I. Diode applications. Schottky diodes, the abrupt junction diode, varicap, photodiode and light emitting diode. BIPOLAR JOINT TRANSISTORS: NPN and PNP types. Symbology. Physical structure. Operation principle. Ebbers-Moll model. Modes of operation: direct active zone, saturation and cutting. Operating. Point at rest. The TJB as a switch and amplifier. Models for weak signals and assemblies.
Ability to interpret and understand the fundamental elements of semiconductor electronics. Ability to model and size semiconductor circuits. Ability to understand the limitations of the models / components used. Ability to analyze and design some basic electronics circuits.
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Provision of various study material in digital format, such as slides and exercises. Use of simulation software.
Theoretical notes of the classes of Electronics 1, Filipe Macedo: Sedra, Adel ., Smith, K.C. Microelectronic Circuits. Sixth Edition. Oxford University Press, 2009. Boylestad, Robert L. Nashelsky, Louis. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. 10th Edition.Pearson / Prentice Hall, 2009. Medeiros Silva, Manuel. Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Circuits. 4th edition. Gulbenkian Issues, 2009. Medeiros Silva, Manuel. Circuits with bipolar transistors and MOS. 3rd Edition. Gulbenkian Editions, 2003.
Office Hours
Office Hours