
Class Comparative Political Systems

  • Presentation


    The curricular unit belongs to the Political Science area, focusing on the political-constitutional systems of several important states in the international scenario, as well as their evolution. The relevance of the unit in the study cycle is fundamental, due to the need for students to understand the main political-constitutional systems and to know the main features distinguishing them 

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Compared policy and the comparative method
    Political system: Parson, Easton, and Duverger's definitions
    Elements of the political system
    Portuguese political System after the 25th April
    Constitutional Revisions
    Forward-looking Vision
    Realities in the Global World
    Post-Cold War Europe:
    Parties and the new order
    New social movements
    American continent:
    The House at The Top of the Hill and Latin America
    Neopopulism in the center and south
    European Union
    Study of the systems chosen by the students
    Comparison and relationship with the quality of democracy.
    Study of the systems chosen by the students
    Comparison and relationship with the quality of democracy


  • Objectives


    This curricular unit provides students with the mastery of the conceptual tools necessary for initiation to the comparative study of political systems in their internal and external environments. Thus, in addition to the study of the stages or phases of the comparative method, a conjunctural contextualization is carried out. Moreover, the political systems to be studied are not reduced to European ones and include systems from other continents, with a special focus on the models of the PALOP, given the fact that several students come from these countries. As the designation of the curricular unit proves, students should develop the capacity to understand and use the basic concepts of comparative politics in order to elaborate a comparative study among political systems in their various components: Constitution, regime, government system, party system, electoral system, the form of state and form of Government

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The courses combine the presentation made by the teacher, with the reading of excerpts and the physical or virtual presence in thematic seminars.
    Students will do the research supported by the teacher, who is also responsible for choosing the part that each student is going to present. The tutorial, in addition to providing information on the quality of the bibliographical collection, will allow an understanding of how to organize a project and warn against plagiarizing.
    In the assessment, the average is:
    Participation - 5%
    Individual test without consultation - 45%
    Research work and its presentation - 45%, being 15% for presentation.
    In the exam, students should develop two themes on the totality of the syllabus.


  • References


    Almond, G., Dalton, R., Powell, G. & Strom, K. (org.) (2006). Comparative politics today. New York: Pearson / Longman
    Bale, T. (2005). European politics. A comparative introduction. London: Palgrave/Macmillan
    Freire, A. (2011). O Sistema político português, séculos XIX-XXI: Continuidades e Rupturas. Lx: ICS
    Hague, R. & Harrop, M. (2007). Comparative government and politics. An introduction. London: Palgrave
    Lijphart, A. (2012). Modelos de democracia. Formas de gobierno y resultados em trinta y seis países. Barcelona: Ariel
    Miranda, J. (2015). Da revolução à Constituição. Cascais: Princípia
    Moreira, A. (2014). Ciência Política. Coimbra: Almedina
    Newton, K. & Deth, J. (2007). Foundations of comparative politics. Cambridge: U.P
    Pasquino, G. (2005). Sistemas políticos comparados. Cascais: Principia
    Pinto, A. (2021). O regresso das ditaduras. Lx: FFMS
    Pinto, J. (2020). Estados (Des)unidos da Europa. A hora do futuro. Lx: Sílabo
    Pinto, J. (2014). O Poder em Portugal. Coimbra: Almedina


  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    José Filipe Pinto

    Quarta-feiras das 11 às 13 horas

    Gabinete do docente







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