
Class Contemporary Sociological Theories

  • Presentation


    The objectives of this curricular unit are to understand the theoretical proposals of contemporary authors - definition and articulation of concepts, notions, categories and respective scientific works - in the sense of providing theoretical tools for sociological analysis.
    The acquisition of theoretical instrumentalization is carried out in a systematic way, taking into account the great currents, where the authors are inserted, allowing an adequate knowledge for the theoretical work and for the future empirical investigations.
    The main objectives are:
    Understanding the emergence and indispensability of theories in sociological analysis;
    Analysis of the great structuring fields of contemporary sociology and the respective theories indicated by the program;
    Preparation of sociological reasoning, consistently critical-analytical;
    Development of this reasoning, creative with maximum assertive rigor, for application in understanding the problems of society.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The indispensability of theoretical theories and articulations for scientific work. In the Chicago School, among others: Park, Burgess and Wirth. In Symbolic Interactionism: Goffman. In Functionalism one will approach theory and empiricism and social control in Merton. The Structure-Functionalism focuses on Parsons, on the general theory of action and societies, with Elias is aimed at the civilizational process. About the Frankfurt School, among the authors: Habermas with communicative action and the world of life; Adorno and mass culture; Marcuse and industrialism. In Conflict Theory the reference is based on Sew with functions of the conflict; and in Dahrendorf the articulation between social cohesion and political freedom. In France, Touraine and the social movements, reflexive modernization and venture society in Anthony Giddens, Ulrich Beck and Foucault. In Constructivist Structuralism one looks for the main perspectives of Bourdieu.

  • Objectives


    It is intended, from the theoretical preparation - where, complementarily, several examples are situated - to create competences in several domains

    In the domain of theoretical knowledge and sociological problematizations;

    Capacity of sociological reflection (sociological imagination) from the authors and the concepts seized;

    Capacity in the critical analysis on the contemporary society; Instrumental skills for the investigation of society, with the determination of "objects of study" according to the identification of "sociological problems" understood as "real objects";

    Competences for the encounter of reflection subordinated to the exercise of citizenship with the use of the theories studied.

  • References


    Beck, U (2015). Sociedade de risco mundial. Lisboa: Edições 70

    Beck, U & Gidens, A., Lash, S. (2000). Modernização Reflexiva. Oeiras: Celta

    Bourdieu, P (1997). Razões Práticas. Oeiras: Celta

    Bourdieu, P (1997). O Poder Simbólico. Algés: Difel

    Ferreira, J. et al. (1995). Sociologia. Alfragide: Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal

    Foucault, M (2008). Segurança, Território, População. S. Paulo: Martins Fontes

    Foucault, M (2005). Em Defesa da Sociedade. S. Paulo: Martins Fontes

    Goffman, E (1988). Estigma. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara

    Giddens, A (2000). Sociologia. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

    Giddens, A (2000). O Mundo na Era da Globalização. Lisboa: Presença

    Merton, Robert K (1968). Sociologia. Teoria e Estrutura. S. Paulo: Editora Mestre Jou

    Parsons, T (1969). Sociedades. São Paulo: L. Pioneira Editora

    Tar, Zoltan (s/d). A Escola de Francoforte. Lisboa: Edições 70

    Touraine, A (1996). O Retorno do Actor. Ensaio de Sociologia. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget

    Turner, B (2002). Teoria Social. Miraflores: Difel


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