
Class Applied Programming for Data Science

  • Presentation


    In this CU, we intend to develop knowledge about fundamental concepts of procedural, functional and object-oriented programming using the Python programming language. Students should also develop skills in the creation and implementation of algorithms using different types of data. The skills developed in this UC allow a deep understanding of what is at the base of programming languages and how to make an efficient program and their application on data science.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The curricular unit program is:
    PC1. Introduction to programming
    PC2 Introduction to Python language and its syntax
    PC3. Introduction to the Jupyter Notebook, Google Collab and Moodle CodeRunner work environments.
    PC4 Python syntax. Variables and operators. Simple data types.
    PC5: Flow control, with decision makers and cycles. Functions.
    PC6: Composed data types: lists, tuples, sets and dictionaries
    PC7: Manipulation and management of files (text, JSON, CSV).
    PC8: Data visualization with matplotlib.
    PC9: Functional programming. Comprehensions, lambda, map, filter, reduce.
    PC10: Object-oriented programming. classes.

  • Objectives


    Given the constant programming languages evolution and trends specific to data science, this curricular unit may have to change in the future. However, has in its generalization the following learning goals:
    LG1. The student must develop advanced specific knowledge and skills on programming languages for data science using Python.
    LG2: The student has to achieve the technical competences on manipulating and analyzing data using Python

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies (TM) including assessment:
    TM1: Expositional / Experimental/ Active: Brief theoretical exposition according to the syllabus, practical problem solving at informatics laboratory.
    TM2: Self-study: individual work on a weekly basis working problems.
    Important assessment notes:
    – Mandatory Minimum score of 10 in each component.
    – All evaluation components are mandatory

  • References


    • Martins, P. (2019). Programação em Python. IST Press. 3ª Ed.
    • Grus, J. (2015). Data science from scratch: first principles with python. O’Reilly Media, Inc.
    • Zinoviev, D. (2018). Complex Network Analysis in Python. Edited by Adaobi Obi Tulton. Pragmatic Bookshelf.
    • Belorkar, A., Guntuku S.C., Hora, S. and Kumar, A. (2020). Interactive Data Visualization with Python. 2nd edition. Packt Publishing. Birmingham UK.


  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    A combinar com o docente.








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