
Class Business Scenarios

  • Presentation


    Curricular unit whose purpose is to develop projects and actions in the context of companies, with the aim of proposing new realities.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. CDR Cycle (Conception, Development and Realization)


    2. EER Cycle (Focus, Expansion and Redefinition)


    3. Peripheral Vision (Observe, Analyse, Interpret, Investigate, and Act)


    4. Information Flows (Retroaction Cycles - Positive / Reinforcement / Negative - Equilibrium)


    5. Integrated Economy (Land, Society and Economy)


    6. Network Theory (Centre, Node, Protrusion, and Pole)


    7. Border Condition Concept (Object of Study, and Circuiting Environment)


    8. Long Time and Instant Time Concept


    9. Enterprises in an ecosystem context

  • Objectives


    At the end of the Curriculum Unit, students should identify and understand:

    • Different project phases within the Conception, Development and Implementation actions.
    • Key areas of competence in the project exercise, in the scope of Technical, Representation, Speech and Project activities and procedures.
    • Areas of Cultural, Scientific, Experimental and Logistic knowledge, which intervene in the project activity.
    • Project actions in Focus, Expansion and Redefinition business contexts.
    • Companies in the context of a fixed and restricted conceptual framework, and mobile conceptual framework, with paradigm changes.
    • Business extinction and survival processes (mass extinction and background extinction)
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The teaching and assessment methodology is conditioned by the modules of a class, in which one must distinguish phases of theoretical concepts presentation, "Case Studies" presentation, and contents analysis and discussion.

    The teaching model is based on an active and dynamic pedagogical practice, i.e., it allows exploring the creative capacity when subject to conceptual stimuli and simultaneously exploring the result in confrontation with the result of the "other(s)"

  • References


    1) Cabanas, E., Illouz, E., (2019), A ditadura da felicidade - Como a ciência da felicidade controla as nossas vidas, Lisboa: Temas de Debates

    2/ Day, George; Schoemaker, Paul (2006), Visão Periférica: identificação dos sinais que podem criar ou destruir o valor da sua empresa. Actual Editora Lisboa.

    3/ Butler, Timothy (2008) Ultrapassar o impasse. Como transformar as crises em novas oportunidades. Actual Editora. Lisboa.

    4/ Andrew, James; Sirkin, Harold, (2008) Payback: como conquistar o retorno financeiro da inovação. Actual Editora. Lisboa.

    5) Patino, B., (2019), A Civilização do Peixe-Vermelho - Como peixes-vermelhos presos aos ecrãs dos nossos smartphones, Lisboa: Gradiva


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