
Class Scientific Research Methodology

  • Presentation


    The curricular unit of Scientific Research Methodology aims to provide students with the appropriate skills to structure their thinking within the scope of the idea they intend to develop, as well as guide the research into sources and formal forms of presentation and submission of work.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1.      Preliminary considerations of scientific research methodology

    1.1.   The attitude and principles of ethics

    1.2.   The rules of scientific production

    2.      The subject of the investigation

    3.      Research methods and types

    4.      Investigation process

    4.1.   Problem identification or research questions

    4.2.   Choice of subject and advisor

    4.3.   Preparation of the pre-project

    4.4.   Bibliographic and jurisprudential research

    4.5.   Research environment

    4.6.   Treatment of collected information

    5.      How to do a literature and jurisprudence review

    6.      The state of the art. The quotes.

    7.      Ethical Considerations. Intellectual humility. Plagiarism.

  • Objectives


    Learn the fundamental concepts, steps and methods involved in the research process. Learn to delimit the object and field of study, to carry out reflection and analysis of the contents, literature review, methodology and bibliography. Develop skills to conceive and develop a dissertation project with quality and respecting the principles of ethics and the rules of scientific production.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    In the first classes, the stages and the main concepts and methods involved in the research process will be presented. The sessions include an expository part but involve permanent interaction with the students. In the following classes, the program topics will be covered in the context of the presentation and discussion of individual works, in the sessions of the project seminar. The student must write a research proposal on a selected topic, ideally related to the topic he intends to work on in the thesis. The final evaluation is the result of participation in classes and the presentation of individual work.


  • References


    1.      AMADO, João. Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Gradiva. 2017

    2.      ARAGÃO, Alexandra. Breves reflexões em torno da investigação jurídica. Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra. Vol. LXXXV. Coimbra. 2009, 765-794

    3.      BELLO, Enzo e ENGELMANN, Wilson (Coord.). Metodologia da Pesquisa em Direito. Caxias do Sul. RS: Educs. 2015

    4.      CANE, Peter & KRITZER, Herbert. The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research.  Oxford. UK: Oxford University Press. 2010

    5.      ECO, Umberto. Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas. (Trad.)  7.ª ed. Lisboa: Presença. 1998


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