
Class Project I

  • Presentation


    Introduction of the students to the scientific activity in relation to the various aspects of a scientific research project, namely the collection of information from various sources, the planning and execution of laboratory activities, the analysis of the obtained data as well as the ethical obligations to be respected.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Planning and project management
      1. Project planning
      2. Project execution
      3. Project management
      4. Ethical questions
    2. Execution of the experimental plan of the project
    3. Data organization and analysis
    4. Final report
  • Objectives


    This CU aims to introduce students in scientific activity in order to develop creativity, critical sense and stimulate scientific autonomy. Thus, the development of the project and the student's integration into the research laboratory will be performed under the supervision of a teacher. The following competences should be developed:Be able to use capacities to establish and utilize bibliographic search strategies, evaluate and select the information; identify the ethical issues of the research that they perform. Analyse and discuss epidemiological studies. Identify the chemical and biological risks and proceed according the safety requisites. Develop skills in scientific communication.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    This UC is based on an active teaching-learning methodology, centered on laboratory practice to develop a research project. The development of this project is based on the creativity and autonomy of students who are encouraged to solve the research questions that are initially presented, using various bibliographic research platforms. The treatment of experimental data obtained also involves the use of specific software that allows for adequate statistical treatment.

  • References


    • Bell, J., (2010) Como realizar um projecto de investigação, Gradiva
    • Day, R.A., (2012 ) How to write and publish a scientific paper Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 7th Edition.


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