
Class Iniciation to Educational Research

  • Presentation


    This UC constitutes, in the study plan of the course, an initiation dimension to research methodologies to be used in other CUs.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The construction of scientific knowledge (common sense and scientific knowledge) Research paradigms: natural sciences and social sciences

    Scientific research: the stages of a research process

    Typologies of research models (qualitative, quantitative and mixed approaches) Steps in the investigation process

    Problem/issues, variables, hypotheses Research objectives

    Methodological options

    Data collection techniques in Educational research (observation, document analysis, questionnaires and interviews) Data analysis and discussion (qualitative and quantitative methods)

    The research report and its structure

  • Objectives


    At the end of this Curricular Unit, students should be able to:

    -Explain the production processes of scientific knowledge;

    -Identify the steps in the process of building a scientific research.

    -Evidence critical sense in reading and discussing scientific papers;

    -Formulating starting questions for a research in Education;

    - Define issues and research objects in Education;

    -Set general and specific goals in a concise and objective way;

    -Find methodologies suitable for the proposed research objects;

    -Develop a small autonomous research project in the selected field;

    -Know how to prepare, in writing, a report of a scientific investigation, with the correct representation of all the constituent parts.

  • References



    Amado, A. (Org.) (2013). Manual de investigação qualitativa em educação. Imprensa da Universidade.


    Bardin, L. (1977). Análise de conteúdo. Edições 70.

    Carmo, H. & Ferreira, M. (2008). Metodologia de Investigação: Guia para a auto-aprendizagem. Universidade Aberta.

    Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2018). Research methods in education (8th Ed.). Routledge.

    Foddy, W. (1996). Como perguntar – Teoria e prática da construção de perguntas em entrevistas e questionários. Celta Editora.

    Laville,C. & Dionne, J.(1999). A construção do saber. ARTMED.

    Pereira, A. & Poupa, C. (2003). Como escrever uma Tese, Monografia ou Livro Científico usando o Word. Edições Sílabo.

    Quivy, R. & Campenhoudt, L. (2008). Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Gradiva. Sousa, A. (2005). Investigação em educação. Livros Horizonte.

    Tuckman, B. (2000). Manual de Investigação em Educação. Fundação Gulbenkian.

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