This CU is part of the research area with the same name, where the subjects related to the characteristics, patterns and structures of the specific space of human settlements (urban and rural) and their influence and interrelations with the physical environment are grouped, their biological composition and their interaction with social standards. They are both individual and collective aspects of urban conditions that interfere with the morphology of built spaces and ecosystems.The urban landscape comprises the set of undeveloped spaces and natural assets incorporated in and around our cities. Thus, the set of actions that tend to conserve and improve both the environmental conditions and the quality of life of the inhabitants is integrated.
Concerns include analyzing the transformation of cities and regions, with an emphasis on natural spaces and the services provided by ecosystems, and strategies and tools for managing these spaces.
Class from course
Class from course
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Doctorate | Anual | 12
Year | Nature | Language
Year | Nature | Language
1 | Mandatory | Português
Prerequisites and corequisites
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable
Professional Internship
Professional Internship
1. Urban Environment and the Environment
1.1 Biophysical and ecological changes in an urban environment
1.2 Characteristics of urban habitats
2. Urban Ecology
2.1 Background, terminology and definitions
2.2 Biomes and ecosystems
2.3 Biodiversity
3. Elements of the Urban Landscape
3.1 Concepts and classification
3.2 Typology and functions - free spaces and green spaces
3.3 Indices and Standards
3.4 Urban models and ideals and the function of the landscape
3.5 Built environment and free spaces
3.6 Challenges: The sustainable city, demography, climate change, rehabilitation
4. Ecosystem Services and Functions of Free Spaces
4.1 Ecosystem services and urban system
4.2 Benefits (multidimensional)
4.3 Structural functions
5. Green Infrastructure in urban areas
5.1 Systems and structures of urban green spaces
Planning and management of urban green spaces
6.1 Materials and equipment
6.2 Users and uses
6.3 Planning, Participation and cooperation, Financing and maintenance
The research seminar is intended as a forum for discussion, presentation and overall monitoring of research works undertaken by students in the scope of the development of their theses. It serves as a forum for debate and opinion that contributes to the development of the work. It has the participation of all students in 2nd cycle and all teachers of the Cycle of Studies and Scientific Advisors.
Intends to develop in the students the following skills:
1. Present the main steps of scientific research in Urbanism;
2. Problematize important distinctions between concepts and categories as tools for scientific research; 3. Explain the role of theory, methodologies, and research techniques in the field of Urbanism;
4. Focus on debates arising from the research experience, particularly in the field of Urbanism.
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Teaching methodologies and assessment
The assessment process, based on the preparation of a paper (scientific article) for each course on the topic covered in class, on the basis of the defined syllabus and, tentatively, the exploration of and reaction to the student's own research topic, is a factor that motivates the achievement of knowledge, enhances the consolidation of knowledge and the transversal relationship between the different topics (and essentially with the chosen research topic), helping the practice of effective communication of research results.
Carmona, M., Tiesdell, S., Heath, T., Oc, T. (2003). Public places - Urban Spaces, The dimensions of urban design. Architectural Press.
Cuthberth, A. [Ed.] (2003). Designing Cities. Critical readings in urban design. Blackwell.
Fadigas, L. (2007) ‘Fundamentos ambientais do ordenamento do território e da paisagem’. Edições Silabo, Lisboa.
Kriken. J. (2010). City Building. Nine planning principles for the Twenty-First Century. Princeton Architectural Press.
Lang, J. (2005) Urban Design, A tipology of procedures and products, Architectural press. Larice, M., Macdonald, E. [Ed.] (2007). The Urban Design Reader. Routledge.
Mangin, D., Pannerai, P. (1999), Projet Urbain, Parenthèses.
Martín, A. (1991) El Espacio Interior de la Ciudad, Sintesis.
Raposo Magalhães, Manuela (2001) ‘A Arquitectura Paisagista’. Estampa. Lisboa
Tellier, L. (1994), Méthodes D'Evaluation des Projets Publics, Présses de l'Úniversité du Québec
Office Hours
Office Hours