
Class Theory of Advertising

  • Presentation


    Based on theoretical/scientific assumptions, the discipline is intended to be a technical/scientific repository likely to give students skills to the analysis of advertising.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Advertising: Definitions, Objectives, Functions and types.
    Advertising History
    The Advertising Agency
    Creation in Advertising: Main models of creativity in Advertising
    Advertising Briefing
    The media as advertising media
    Advertising research
    Advertising and Self-Regulation Code in Portugal

  • Objectives


    Based on theoretical/scientific assumptions, the discipline is intended to be a technical/scientific repository likely to give students skills to the analysis of advertising

    Provide the students with a scientific knowledge on Theory of Advertising in order to build knowledge capableof analysing and designing the practical field of the study area

  • References


    Brochand, B., Lendrevie, J., Outros., (2011), Publicitor, 4ª edição, Lisboa, Dom Quixote.

    Caetano, J., Estrela, R., (2004), Introdução à publicidade, Porto, Edições IPAM.

    Caetano, J., et al, (2011), Publicidade: Fundamentos e estrarégias, Lisboa, Escolar Editora

    Guerreiro, A., 2013, Breve História dos Meios de comunicação, EdiLab

    Estrela, R., (2004), A Publicidade no Estado Novo, vols I e II, Lisboa, Simplesmente Comunicando.

    González Lobo, Prieto del Pino (2015), Manual de Publicidad, Barcelona, ESIC

    González Martín, J.A. (1996), Teoria general de la publicidad, Madrid, Fondo de Cultura Económica.

    Hart, N., (1995) The Pratice of Advertising, 4º edição, Oxford, B.H..

    Joannis, H., (1991), O Processo de Criação Publicitária, Edições CETOP.

    Manchoco Rosa, A. (2014), Semiótica, Consumo e Publicidade, MediaXXI/Formalpress

    Marktest, (2023), Media facts 2022, Lisboa, Marktest

    Sánchez, G., (1993), Teoria de la Publicidad, 4ª ed., Madrid, Tecnos


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